7 Tips: How To Stay Healthy In College

College Can Be Tough Enough Without Adding Bad Health to the Mix

College can be one of the best experiences of your life, and there’s no doubt that most people are enriched by the experience. However, there are many periods during your college life where your health can suffer — whether mental or physical.

7 Tips to stay healthy and get fit

As a student, the healthy lifestyle deck can be stacked against you. You don’t have much money, you’re socializing all the time, working and studying hard, and not sleeping as much as you should.

One of the last things you can do is pay for assignment, no need to feel bad about that. But there are other things you can consider.

The following seven tips can help you stay healthy.

1. Eat Healthily

It’s hard to stay healthy on a budget, but making good choices in the canteen can go a long way. Eat as many fruits and vegetables as you can, and try to eat foods that will keep you fuller for longer. Choose a veggie side as often as possible.

Drink more water than anything else to help balance out any weekend inebriation you participate in. Take this time to expand your palate, as well — try out that unique dish you’ve never had before. You may discover new, healthy food that you love!

Make better choices with snack foods, too. Fruit is a great option to take to class with you when you need something to munch on, and it is much better for you than a candy bar from the vending machine.

The key to healthy eating is not to deprive yourself of foods that you enjoy, but rather to limit the unhealthy foods in your diet.

2. Workout Between Classes

It’s so much easier to work out in the afternoon, between classes when you’re already near the campus gym. You’re already there and you don’t have to turn down a night out or drag yourself out of bed early. You can stay healthy by squeezing in as little as a 20-minute workout just a few times a week.

If you can find three days to fit this in, you will feel much better. From there, you can add more days to your workout routine or increase the duration of exercise to stay healthy.

If you want to stay motivated to go, ensure that you have a gym kit and a change of clothes with you during the day. That way, you can just head over to the gym once classes are finished, without having to head back to get changed first. It’s amazing how much easier it is to go when you’re prepared beforehand.

3. Have a Go-To Fruit or Vegetable

Fresh fruits can be expensive, but figuring out a cheap staple that you can include in one meal every day is a great way of staying on top of your health. There are lots of options for preparing veggies and fruits, too, if you want to change it up.

For example, you can make a smoothie with your favorite fruits that you can take with you when you go to class, or try eating dried fruits which can be bought in snack-sized bags.

There will always be healthy options in your canteen, so look out for foods that have plenty of fruit and veg included in them. Vegetables are a crucial part of healthy eating and they are an invaluable source of nutrients. Veggies and fruits are rich in fiber, a multitude of vitamins, minerals, and some veggies even have protein.

You should always try to fill half of your plate with vegetables.

In addition to leaving you susceptible to illness, a lack of vegetables can lead to frequent headaches and stomachaches. Aside from upsetting your social plans, this impacts your studying and can result in class absences.

Nutrition that incorporates fruit and vegetables has been shown to improve students’ concentration and energy levels.  Figure out what your favorite fruits and vegetables are and use them in your meals as often as possible.

7 Tips to Stay Healthy When You’re a Busy College Student4. Sleep

It might be hard to get your 8 hours every night, but who says you have to sleep all 8 hours at once? Catch up during the day by taking naps, since sleep deprivation can affect your health and your grades.

A lack of sleep has been linked to a drop in concentration levels, making it harder to pay attention in class. If you’re tired, you may rely on sugary foods and drinks to help you stay awake.

Your body will have to deal with the impact of these substances (including weight gain and diabetes), so get those eight hours in whenever you can.

5. Avoid Study Stress by Using the Internet

The internet has opened up a wide variety of tools and resources that can make studying easier and help you avoid stress and potential mental health problems while you’re studying. The following resources are extremely popular with students who want to work quickly and effectively:

  • Go Conqr: this tool helps you create awesome content that helps you study later, such as flashcards or mind maps;
  • Study Blue: this tool is excellent for anyone looking to make their own study materials or benefit from crowdsourcing from other people doing your course;
  • Big Assignments: an expert editor or proofreader will check your work before you hand it in. You can relax when you hand in a paper, knowing your paper is high quality;
  • Easy Word Count: not every student writes assignments using a traditional word processor. If you’re using something non-conventional, use this tool to keep track of your word count;
  • Do my essay: it’s hard to see your own mistakes at times. Vastly improve your work by asking a proofreader or editor to review their assignments;
  • Cite It In: one of the most tiresome and time-consuming aspects of college work is referencing and sourcing your work, however, this tool makes creating footnotes very easy;
  • Academized: if you’re unsure about where to start studying, you should look here at current study guides available, or even make your own;
  • Custom essay: the proofreaders and editors here understand the criteria that colleges look for when they grade papers;
  • Paper Fellows: you can hire an editor or seek advice in the forums here — both services are very useful for students.

6. Avoid Sugary Drinks

Sodas and energy drinks have absolutely no nutritional value. A plain cup of coffee or tea is preferable when you need a boost.

Water is also better at keeping you going when you need that little bit of energy to get through the day. Fill a bottle full of ice-cold water and sip at it throughout the day. Not only will you maintain your energy levels, but you will also notice the benefits of proper hydration levels.

7. Find Workout Videos to Do in Your Dorm

Joining a gym may be expensive, but finding a YouTube video that you can do in your dorm room can help you stay fit and active. There are plenty available, so there’s something for everyone. Why not try out a few? Maybe you’ll find that yoga is your thing, or that high-energy aerobics are what motivate you to keep fit.

The best thing about workout videos is that they’re absolutely free. You can try out as many as you like, without having to spend anything.


Staying healthy while at college requires some effort, but the above tips make it a lot easier to stay on top of your physical and mental well-being.

If these tips help you stay healthy in school, let us know what worked and how! Share some of your own healthy and easy habits that your fellow students may find useful.

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