Exercise for Your Best Health
The majority of us live busy lives that are divided between responsibilities at work and at home with the kids and family. The pace of our lives has quickened and now most people have very little time outside of these two key areas. Because of this, there is an epidemic of obesity and debilitating illnesses across the US.
Your Best Health and Exercise
It is more important than ever for each of us to dedicate the time needed to take care of our health.
This entails focusing on perhaps the most important area for you best health – exercise.
Most people who are reading this will think that they don’t have the time or the ability to focus on exercise. This article will discuss fitness workouts and tips that are easy to adopt and can be done at home.
Get Prepared to Exercise
Before you start any exercise program you should get a full medical check-up and discuss with your doctor your intentions. If you take medication, you need to take into consideration any limitations illness or the medications might place on you.
And before you begin, make sure to stop by your local pharmacy to fill any needed prescriptions. Being prepared ahead of time is the best way to make sure that you don’t put yourself in a compromised health situation.

Home Exercise

Exercising at home has never been easier with the proliferation of home gym systems that can give you a total body workout as you get at a high-priced gym. You can choose an all-in-one machine or several machines that work out every important part of your body.
You can also use the internet to view workout routines and get exercise tips from leading fitness gurus. Websites like YouTube have thousands of these types of videos that range from beginner to advanced and are in every different type of exercise.
The key, no matter which exercise program you begin, is that it should include a focus on three key areas of fitness.
Aerobic exercises include aerobics, treadmills, calisthenics, and any other exercise that increases your heart rate up to 80% of its maximum for an extended period of time. The benefit of doing aerobics exercises is to your heart, circulatory system, lungs, and even your skin.
The heart sits at the center of our health, and it is a muscle that needs to be worked like every other muscle. When you do aerobics exercises, you strengthen your heart, which lowers your resting blood pressure and also causes you to sweat, burn calories, and lose weight.
You should aim to do 30 minutes of aerobic exercise four times every week.
Strength exercises are any that place stress on the various muscle groups of your body. They strengthen your muscular system and when your muscles are stronger, it increases your overall health, helps with mobility, and simply makes you feel better about yourself.
Strength exercises include isometrics and other resistance-type exercises. They can be done with no equipment, or with a set of weights or resistance bands. Whichever you choose, it is important that you do these exercises 4 times a week, for at least 20 minutes each session.
Stretching exercises are often overlooked when doing a workout. This is a bad decision because stretching is very important for both avoiding injuries during exercise and keeping the joints and muscles loose during the day and night.
Tight muscles put a strain on your skeletal system and create problems in the neck, the back, and other areas of the body. You should do stretching exercises for 10 minutes before and after each exercise session.
If these exercise tips seem like they will really screw up your routine, do not be concerned.
Everyone must start somewhere. You should also make sure that you have good nutrition, with balanced meals, and little to no processed foods added sugar and saturated fats. It will take time to integrate these changes into your life but small steps lead to big progress over time. Get started today.