Do Stretch Marks Go Away When You Lose Weight?

Tips To Help You Avoid Stretch Marks

Want to lose weight plus avoid stretch marks? DUH… that sounds pretty ideal! While the overall goal shouldn’t be to avoid stretch marks (as opposed to just being healthy), you can help yourself do just that as you lose weight and get healthy with these tips!

Getting healthy is what’s important

Stretch marks manifest themselves as red bands appearing on the skin which ends up becoming lighter with the lapse of time.

Such marks are more prevalent during puberty and also pregnancy. Certain medical circumstances can bring about the condition. There is no proven treatment or preventive action recommended for stretches. The condition is harmless, but then again it disappears with time.

You can escape being inflicted with stretch marks by keeping a reasonable weight standard and ensuring that your skin is well taken care of.

Avoid Stretch Marks Featured (2)Avoid rapid weight loss

Weight should be lost gradually and not rapidly; this can be achieved through a balanced diet and regular exercise. You need to aim at losing close to half a kilogram of weight every week. You should avoid any crash diets.

Some weight reduction strategies are not effective; they include crash diets, severe exercise, pills, and supplements.

Exercise regularly

You need to put in place a plan for carrying out your exercises aimed at enabling you to maintain your weight. Such exercises will enable you to improve the elasticity of your skin as well as blood circulation. This will make you eliminate the chances of developing stretch marks.

Apart from doing workouts, you can also take to walking for thirty minutes four days a week.

Avoid drastic weight changes

Whenever you gain or lose any amount of weight stretch marks, appear within a very short duration. Although there are various creams for stretch marks, it is a pity that most of these creams have not been scientifically proven for their effectiveness. The only method to keep stretch marks away is by keeping your weight in check during pregnancies and puberty among the youth.

When youth get to the adolescent stage, their bodies experience rapid growth. It is advisable that during such a period you should maintain a healthy diet and, if possible, seek advice from your health care provider.

Those stretch marks that come up at the puberty stage always end up fading because the youthful body is still growing.

Bodybuilding exercises that involve lifting weights can bring about stretch marks. The stretches are caused by the strain in the connective tissues of the skin which end up breaking while one is lifting weights.

You need to speak to your doctor or trainer to give you advice on the best exercises for you.

Stay hydrated

To keep your skin healthy you need to drink a lot of water – making this one of the best ways to avoid stretch marks!

This is very important in the sense that it helps to maintain skin smoothness and hence keeping stretch marks at bay. The recommended amount of water that will ensure you don’t develop stretch marks is drinking 2 liters of water daily.

Healthy dieting

If you want to have stretch mark-free skin while on your weight loss program, ensure to combine exercise with a healthy diet plan. Consuming a healthy diet does not only protect you from stretch marks but improves your health in general as well.

Some people tend to use supplements for this course, but this is not the best way to maintain smooth skin. The only thing you need to ensure is obtaining sufficient amounts of minerals and vitamins as these can aid in safeguarding against stretch marks.

Consume enough vitamin E

Eating foods that are rich in vitamin E is very important as it enhances skin elasticity while at the same time repairing worn-out body tissues and improving blood circulation. Besides, vitamin E boosts the release of collagen (protein in the skin and other parts of the body) which is known to aid in wound healing and stretch marks prevention.

Certain foods and skin creams contain this all-important vitamin, and so it is wise to go right for them.

These include foods such as eggs, fruit, meat, green vegetables, fortified cereals, nut oils, olive oil, nuts, whole grains, and poultry.

Eat plenty of vitamin C

Vitamin C is known for its high content of antioxidants and thus consuming it aids in keeping in check free radicals and boosts the health of the skin. Likewise, vitamin C promotes the production of collagen.

In this case, if you want to lose weight while at the same time keeping off stretch marks, choosing foods that are rich in the vitamin can be a wise idea.

Pineapple, cantaloupe, broccoli, mango, citrus fruits (grapes and oranges), Brussels sprouts, spinach, cauliflower, and cabbage are good sources of vitamin C.


As much as you want to lose weight, you also want to avoid stretch marks as you progress in your healthy journey.

Besides taking into account all the necessary steps as mentioned above, there is still much you can learn on how to lose weight safely by simply reading through the HCG 1234 review!

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