What is Will Traveling in 2021 Be Like?
In a nutshell, travel has been put on hold for the best part of a year. Once upon a time, you could almost decide on the same day to head off on a break, but that now seems a distant dream ago. Instead of buying an annual insurance policy, most of us will turn to a single trip one from now on (like this one with Staysure).
Tips for Traveling in 2021
We just can’t guarantee what lays around the corner and it appears now that flexibility when you are traveling or planning to travel, is key.
However, headlines over the last few weeks have suggested that there could be light at the end of the tunnel. The talk of vaccines has certainly fueled this, as has the idea of quicker COVID-tests.
Nevertheless, the travel industry has turned on its head and it will take a long time before it returns to what we once knew it as. Through today’s post, we will now take a look at what traveling in 2021 is probably going to bring for the industry, and what it means for your holiday plans.
An Urge for Adventure and Open Spaces
For most of us, 2020 has been a life of being ‘cooped up indoors’. As such, we want to reverse such sensations.
One might argue that any form of traveling is able to relieve you of such feelings, but some types are better than others.
For example, adventure breaks and those that target large, open spaces, could be right up there. We’ve seen a surge in interest in National Parks over the last few months and once everyone is allowed to travel where they like, one might assume that these types of getaways are high on wish lists.

Could There Be Fewer Tourists?

This last point might appear obvious but give us time.
Sure, there are going to be a lot of people who don’t have any intention of stepping foot on a plane anytime soon for obvious medical concerns.
However, there are another group of travelers to be aware of; the conscious travelers.
In a nutshell, travel became oh-so-easy over the past decade. We have budget airlines and hotels – and this meant that many of us treated ourselves to multiple holidays throughout the year.
Suddenly, this has stopped. It has caused a lot of people to step back and assess what they want. Does this mean that they will never travel? No. However, it does mean that they might be pickier with their trips and opt for longer bucket list holidays versus several shorter breaks. Only time will tell.
The Work From Holiday Phenomenon?
Once upon a time, working from your holiday would have been laughed out of the room. From 2020, it might just be a little more viable.
As we all know, a lot of companies have relaxed their policies when it comes to working from home. Particularly as people try to make up for the lost time by going away for longer periods next year, there’s a suspicion that many will try and work while on the move.
Not all companies will allow it – but it will certainly bring a somewhat different meaning to both work and travel.
As the world starts to get back to normal (hopefully), traveling in 2021 will start to become a reality. We look forward to hearing about your adventures!