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Sports Are Fun, Let’s Avoid Injury
Playing sports is one of the best ways to keep fit. Whether you are playing a sport for fitness or for competition, it is always important not to get injured. You don’t need to be kept from your activities or your work!
7 Steps to Prevent Sports Injuries
Any injury should be avoided at all costs. It is easier said than done since it is almost impossible to completely prevent injury. However, it can be reduced by almost 25% if appropriate preventative measures are taken by athletes.
Nowadays there are many sports camps which provide structured activities to kids. This gives kids and adults the option to chose the game they like. The more time one spends in the field, the chances of getting injured are higher.
There are few things which you can do to prevent such injuries. Let us look at them.
1. Know the Sport
It is always good to know about the sport you are enlisting for. It is imperative that you understand the rules and abide by them.
The rules are set to protect you from injuries and to keep you safe.
This is important, especially in contact sports. You should always play by the rules of conduct and respect the rules. These rules will help keep you healthy and injury-free.
2. Talk With Your Coach
An athlete should know that the coach is always available for him or her. He or she can reach out and talk about pain or any problems. If something does not feel right, you should not think twice before approaching an expert.
The concept of pain-free sports should be promoted.
Hiding pain will only make it worse. Early intervention can prevent the pain from becoming worse.
3. Wearing Protective Gear
Now, this is something that can save your life on the field. It can be anything till the time it saves you from getting hurt. The protective gear will also depend on the sport you play.
There are many items that will fall in this group, such as helmets, pads, eye protection, mouth guards, protective cups, or a good ankle brace. All these items can be used in sports like hockey, baseball, football, softball, biking, skateboarding, etc.
Wearing the correct gear for the correct sport is also important. Shoes and socks are also part of the protective gear and should be always worn. Consult with your coach for the right gear before you hit the field.
4. Warm-Up
Many people underestimate the importance of warm-up. It is not a good idea to start playing on the field immediately. Warm up first and then start the play. A light jog should do it, or some dynamic stretching.
5. Keep a Tab on Other Players
It is always good to check and communicate with others on the field. This is mostly done to prevent collisions with another player.
You should also listen to your coach and other players as their advice will keep you safe. Always be courteous on the field and help the other players.
6. No Play While Injured
It always feels good to get back on the field if you love sports. It is not advised to hit the field when you are injured, or if you are not fully recovered. If you start playing, there’s a chance that it will worsen the injury and put you on the sidelines for a longer time. Neither option is good for you.
Discuss your injuries with your parents and your coach and consult a doctor in case of injuries. Follow the doctor’s advice and take the necessary rest before going on the field again.
7. Proper Physical Condition
It is not a good idea to be a weekend warrior. It does more harm than good. Regular exercise and warm-up can also prevent many injuries, so try to get out for some regular and varied activities—run, swim, hike… whatever gets you going, on top of your sport of choice!
Research has proven that two factors can play a vital role in sports injury. One is a history of injury and the other is a high number of consecutive days of training without any recovery.
It is easy to get injured on the field, so you should take proper care and keep the above points in mind while playing to minimize the chances of injury.
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