How Much Does DoFasting Cost? [Complete DoFasting Pricing Guide]

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Interested in trying out the DoFasting program to achieve your fitness goals, but not sure about the cost?

Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we’ll be delving into the world of DoFasting pricing and giving you all the information you need to make an informed decision.

Whether you’re on a tight budget or willing to invest in your health, we’ll break down the costs and help you find the perfect plan to suit your needs.

So, let’s get started and discover how much DoFasting really costs!

What is DoFasting?

What is DoFasting?

DoFasting is a comprehensive health and wellness program designed to help you achieve your fitness goals through intermittent fasting.

It’s an app-based program that guides you through your fasting journey and provides personalized meal plans and workout routines tailored to your needs. With DoFasting, you can choose from a variety of fasting plans, including the popular 16:8 fasting method and the more intensive 5:2 fasting plan.

The program also offers a community support system, where you can connect with other users and share your progress. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, improve your metabolism, or enhance your overall health, DoFasting can help you reach your goals in a sustainable and enjoyable way.

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How DoFasting Works

Here’s a step-by-step overview of how DoFasting works:

  • Download the DoFasting app: To get started with the program, you’ll need to download the DoFasting app on your smartphone or tablet.
  • Create your profile: Firstly, download the app & create your profile. You’ll be asked to enter your age, gender, height, weight, and fitness goals.
  • Choose your fasting plan: DoFasting offers a variety of fasting plans, including the popular 16:8 method, the 5:2 method, and the OMAD (one meal a day) method. Choose the plan that works best for you and your lifestyle.
  • Get your personalized meal plan: Based on your profile information and fasting plan, DoFasting will create a personalized meal plan for you. You’ll get access to a wide range of recipes and food options that fit within your fasting window.
  • Follow your workout plan: DoFasting also provides customized workout plans that are tailored to your fitness goals and level of experience. The workouts can be done at home or at the gym.
  • Use the tracking tools: The app has tracking tools that help you monitor your progress, including weight loss, body measurements, and fasting hours.
  • Connect with the community: DoFasting has a community feature that allows you to connect with other users, share your progress, and get support and motivation.

That’s it! With these steps, you’ll be on your way to achieving your fitness goals with DoFasting.

How Much Does DoFasting Cost?

The cost of DoFasting varies depending on the plan you choose. The program offers a range of options, from a free trial to a one-time payment for lifetime access. Here’s an overview of how much DoFasting costs:

  • Free trial: 7-day trial with limited features
  • Monthly plan: $14.99/month
  • 3-month plan: $29.99/3 months ($9.99/month)
  • Yearly plan: $49.99/year ($4.17/month)
  • Lifetime access: $149 one-time payment

With the paid plans, you’ll have access to all the features of the app, including personalized meal plans, workout plans, tracking tools, and community support.

The lifetime access option is a great value for those committed to their fitness journey long-term. So, depending on your needs and budget, DoFasting has a pricing plan that can work for you.

Moreover, here’s a table summarizing the pricing options:

Plan Cost Features
Free trial $0 Limited features
Monthly plan $14.99/month Full access to features
3-month plan $29.99/3 mo Full access to features
Yearly plan $49.99/year Full access to features
Lifetime access $149 Full access to features

Continue Reading: Is DoFasting Free?

Are There Any Additional Costs of DoFasting?

When it comes to DoFasting, there aren’t any additional costs beyond the subscription fees. However, it’s important to note that if you choose to follow the meal plans provided by DoFasting, you’ll need to purchase the food yourself.

Moreover, if you opt to do the workouts at a gym, you’ll need to pay for the gym membership separately.

That said, DoFasting is designed to be flexible, so you can choose to follow your own meal plan and do workouts at home if that’s more convenient or cost-effective for you.

Is DoFasting Worth the Price?

Whether DoFasting is worth the price will depend on your personal fitness goals and budget.

If you’re looking for a comprehensive program that provides personalized meal plans, workout routines, and community support, DoFasting can be a valuable investment in your health.

It’s because the app is designed to make intermittent fasting easier and more enjoyable, which can lead to sustainable results in the long run.

However, if you’re on a tight budget or prefer to create your own meal plans and workouts, DoFasting may not be necessary. Ultimately, it’s up to you to weigh the benefits and costs and decide if DoFasting is worth it for you.


In a nutshell, the cost of DoFasting varies depending on the plan you choose, but there’s an option that can work for every budget.

With its personalized meal plans, customized workouts, and tracking tools, DoFasting is an excellent investment in your health and well-being. If you’re serious about achieving your fitness goals, DoFasting is definitely worth considering.

I highly recommend giving it a try and seeing how it can help you reach your full potential. So, go ahead and click here download the app today and start your journey towards a healthier and happier you!

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