3 Factors That Affect Your Hair
It’s true that a head of healthy hair is desirable, after all, who wouldn’t want to be perceived as younger and more energetic? Hair loss is linked with disease, old age, and a poor mental state since the above factors innately trigger and catalyze the shedding of our dear hairs.
Why nutrition matters to your hair
Owing to the effects of hair loss on our self-esteem, the market decided to take advantage of the circumstances to convince us that indeed, all we need is a 2-in-1 shampoo to eliminate our struggles.
As much as we wish the matter was of such simplicity, it is not. We are victims of a society that capitalizes on our self-esteem issues.
Factors that affect your hair growth
Nothing can affect your hair growth rates except nutrition, heat, and genetics.
The only product science attests to for benefiting your keratin stands is coconut oil.
Coconut oil can penetrate deep within the unit of hair and reside in gaps that would otherwise be occupied by harmful substances.
Check out these 3 other factors that affect your hair.
Nutritious Diet
Your body requires the right amounts of protein and vitamins in order to produce shiny strings of hair. Vitamins and proteins don’t merely act as building blocks, but they, in addition, regulate the hair cycle.
Given their role in hair cycle regulation, neither overdosing nor your deficiencies on the vitamins are to your benefit. Vitamins in moderation, can prolong the anagen phase and delay the telogen phase.
Therefore, your hair is granted more extended periods of active hair growth and delayed periods of the telogen phase. In excess, the reverse is true.
Consequently, you should keep your vitamin content on track. It is better to take your necessary supply of nutrients from natural foods.
However, you may consider vitamin supplements as a last resort.
Heat is yet another factor that you should avoid at all costs. Since your strands consist of proteins, keep them away from heat.
High temperatures can cause irreversible denaturation of your hair proteins, causing them to appear damaged and brittle.
Another factor that determines the degree of hair loss is genetics in conditions such as androgenic alopecia. Here, hair loss is nearly inevitable, and neither nutrition nor the false promises of hair care industries can save you.
Androgenic alopecia is a condition where hair loss results as an indirect consequence of androgens.
With individual events of the peculiar mystery still unknown, a cure is still yet to come. However, many seek hair transplants to reverse the effects of the condition.
The results are permanent and natural-looking, making them the most sought-after hair loss treatment.
For more information about factors that affect our hair contact us.