12 Foods That Give You Energy for Moms

Got to Love These Energy Foods for Moms

You probably have come to grips with the fact that whole, natural foods are more energizing than highly processed junk. Well, check out these top energy foods for moms (and everyone) that can keep you powering through your crazy day!

Fuel-up mom with these healthy energy foods

Life with kids can be exhausting. Especially in the first year, it seems impossible to take good care of yourself, in terms of enough sleep, exercise, and eating.

But there are ways in which you can keep your energy on a functional level.

One of them is a super simple one: hydrate. When you feel drained (pun intended) and fuzzy, drinking a tall glass of water will do wonders. Apart from that, a simple yoga breathing exercise can also do wonders:

  • Close one nostril gently with your thumb, and breathe in through the other nostril.
  • Then close that nostril, and breathe out through the other.
  • Keep the nostril closed, and repeat the cycle 5 times

12 Healthy Energy Foods for Moms WaterBut another very important energy factor is the way you feed yourself (if at all!). The food that you put into your body directly affects how energetic you are. The following twelve ingredients provide any mother’s much-needed energy boost:

1. Brown rice

This dark rice is rich in manganese, a mineral that gets energy from protein and carbohydrates, and helps maintain your energy level evenly throughout the entire day. Brown rice is a versatile product and can be served as a side dish next to your favorite vegetables and protein.

2. Sweet potato

Sweet potato is rich in healthy carbohydrates and packed with vitamin A and vitamin C, so they help you fight an afternoon dip. Bonus: kids love the sweet taste. Make a puree, or cut them into strips and fry with a little oil in the oven as a healthier alternative to fries.

3. Honey

This is one of our favorite energy foods for moms! A spoonful of honey is equivalent to a can of energy drink. Low in the glycemic index (the rate at which carbohydrates are digested in the gut), this natural sweetener functions like a boost of energy in the muscles during a workout and helps to strengthen the muscles after exercise. Add a hefty drop of honey to your breakfast dish.

Make sure you do not dissolve honey in hot tea, as a lot of the healthy qualities of honey will be lost.

4. Bananas

Because they are almost entirely composed of sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose) and fiber, bananas are packed full with energy.

Add peanut butter or almond butter and you have a rich snack with healthy fats. Or eat it with your cereal in the morning for an energy boost that will last you until lunchtime.

5. Apple

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but not only that – it will also give you a powerful energy boost. Because apples are high in fiber, they take longer to digest and, accordingly, they give a boost longer than other fruit.

6. Oranges

Oranges are rich in vitamin C, potassium, and folic acid. This citrus fruit ensures that you keep your energy level up for an extended period, rather than just giving you a rapidly disappearing rush. Peel the orange and eat it up entirely, instead of juice, so you get all the benefits from the nutrients that are hidden under the skin, such as pectin and fiber.

7. Spinach

Popeye ate it for a reason. Spinach is an excellent source of iron, and iron lets your energy flow in your body. Eat a spinach salad for lunch and you will not get into a slump.

8. Beans

Both are packed with proteins and carbohydrates, making them a must for carnivores and vegetarians. Add a handful to a salad or eat them in a burrito.

9. Almonds

These protein-rich nuts contain manganese, copper, and B2. Almonds are a smart snack to keep in your bag or on your desk. B2 is necessary for the energy of your body and good for your metabolism.

10. Salmon

Salmon is known for its high percentage of omega-3 fats, which help lower cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. But you might not know that it is also rich in vitamin B6, niacin, and B2; things that help to convert the food you ingest into energy. Serve with a spinach salad or alongside brown rice and vegetables.

11. Yogurt

It comes in many flavors and is perfect as a healthy snack or breakfast. Yogurt is rich in magnesium and calcium. A great way to get your glycogen level back on track after a strenuous time running with the kids.

12. Eggs

The perfect breakfast food and one of our top energy foods for moms! These are toppers in the field of protein of which 97% can be absorbed by the body. All the necessary amino acids that your body uses to form muscles are found in eggs.


As you can see, you do not have to buy expensive “superfoods” to keep you from falling over.

When it comes to energy foods for moms, just make sure you avoid false energy givers such as soda drinks, coffee, and sugary snacks, and let these nutritious superheroes help you save the day!

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