7 Best Ways to Lose Weight Fast

Getting Accelerated Results

We can always use a few more quick weight loss tips to more effectively control our weight, right? While weight loss in itself shouldn’t be necessarily quick, there are some quick tips we can implement in our lives to help us get our weight under control! Check out these 7 quick weight loss tips I recently received from a guest author and how easy they are to implement into your daily regime!

Top Quick Weight Loss Tips

Many of us today are dealing with weight issues and looking out for effective and easy-to-implement practices to get back flatter bellies and thinner waistlines.

Ideally, the basic tenet to losing weight is simple enough. You need to work out the calories by opting for a healthy diet while following a regular exercise routine.

This is the real key to lasting weight loss; you have to continue with the diet and exercise plans for a couple of months to witness positive changes though. In the meantime, there are a few ways through which you can accelerate this process and lose weight quickly for an impromptu likely beach weekend party.

According to experts, it is quite possible to trim inches within a span of a week without going in for crash diets and unconventional pills.

The focus needs to be on eating healthy, staying well hydrated, exercising for a few minutes every morning, and breathing deeply. All these practices tend to have a powerful impact on our bodies when they are combined and can help us lose weight in the least amount of time.

Quick weight loss tips coming up:

1. Reduce the intake of sodium

Quick Weight loss foodsCut the intake of sodium or common salt to reduce water weight from your body. Make sure that the processed cereals, cottage cheese, or any other processed food are not high in salt before including these in your diet.

If necessary, you can replace these high salt food products with fresh green vegetables, oatmeal, and yogurt to ensure that you are not consuming more than 500 mg of added sodium in a day. This is the limit of sodium intake as prescribed by experts.

You can also include food rich in potassium in your day-to-day diets such as coconut water, bananas, and oranges; this trick would work because the more potassium you consume, the easier it would be for your body to get rid of sodium.

2. Make sure that your bowel movements are regular

A regular bowel movement is essential for fewer pounds on the weighing scale and a flatter stomach. Start eating food products containing a lot of natural fibers. Include legumes, apples, dark leafy vegetables, pears, grapes, flaxseed, and oats in your daily diet to speed up the transmission of food through the intestines.

This would help you feel light in weight while improving digestion and preventing conditions such as heart diseases, obesity, and constipation.

3. Eat only whole food products

This is a really effective quick weight loss tip where you are eating food that has not been processed.

This kind of whole food products are easy to digest and can be readily metabolized by the body.

Opt for fruits, vegetables, beans, cold-water fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, and olive in your regular diet to be able to reduce weight in the smallest possible time frame.

4. Breathe deeply

Take deep breaths to rev up your metabolism and start losing weight within a short span of time.  If you are breathing properly, your body would get the oxygen necessary to metabolize the fat.

Deep breathing can also lower the stress chemicals, which would otherwise cause your body to retain fat and make you appear bloated and fat.

5. Eat bitter food to lose weight

This is an effective and healthy way to lose weight fast. Make it a point to eat at least one serving of bitter-tasting food in every meal you take to shed those accumulated pounds rapidly.

Some of the bitter food products you can choose from include mustard greens, radicchio, kale, arugula, or even olives [all greens and all effective at ramping up your metabolism].

6. Kick start your day with a short exercise routine

Work your abdominal muscles first thing in the morning even for a few minutes to trim inches from your waistline and reduce weight.

This simple practice would rev up the metabolism in the body for the rest of the day and help you look your best.

7. Use the time to your advantage

Stay active while you are doing everyday chores such as talking to a friend on the phone or brushing your teeth.  This will keep your heart rate going for the maximum burn and help you reduce weight within the shortest possible time.


It’s all about implementing quick weight loss tips and exercises to get results!

For instance, you can make it a point to do 50 squats two times a day when you are brushing your teeth in the morning or before going to bed.

Or, you could perform heel raises while talking to a friend over the phone and convert these everyday activities into interval training sessions.