Hate The Gym? Then Try This No Gym Workout Routine

Hate The Gym Try This Smarter Workout Routine Slider

Your No Gym Workout Routine

Ready to ditch the gym but afraid you can’t get results without equipment? Check out this workout routine that will help you drop the gym – no equipment required! Seriously!

Workout routine – no equipment needed

You are here proving one thing that you are just like me – a gym hater.

But fortunately or unfortunately, we all wish to be healthy and fit. So I researched a lot and finally came to the conclusion that it is completely possible. So here is the workout routine that will make you a smart and fit person without going to the gym every day. Sounds difficult? (Note: Be sure to be cleared by your physician before beginning any exercise program.) Have a look below:
Hate The Gym- Try This Smarter Workout Routine

Day 1

It is going to be difficult on the first day, but you must push yourself. The rest will be taken care of by the plan we have set for you.

Perform static running for 1-2 minutes. Then do the following:

  • Jumping jacks – 5 sets 10 repetitions each
  • Push-ups – 3 sets 5 repetitions each
  • Squats – 30 secs

Day 2

Perform static running for 1-2 minutes. Then do the following:

  • High jumps – 5 sets
  • Wall sits – 30 secs to 1 minute
  • Planks – 30 secs to 1 minute

Day 3

Perform static running for 1-2 minutes. Then do the following:

  • Knee pull-ins – 5 sets 5 repetitions each
  • Crunches – 5 sets 5 repetitions each
  • Push-ups – 3 sets 5 repetitions each

Day 4

Perform static running for 1-2 minutes. Then do the following:

  • Jumping jacks – Sets: 10 sets 10 repetitions each
  • Crossbody crunches – 5 sets 5 repetitions each
  • Forward lunges – 10 repetitions with each leg

Day 5

Perform static running for 1-2 minutes. Then do the following:

  • Jump squats – 10 repetitions
  • Side to side lunges – 10 on each side
  • Leg raises – 10 times

Day 6

Perform static running for 1-2 minutes. Then do the following:

  • High knees – 60 seconds
  • Windshield wipers – 60 seconds
  • Reverse crunches – 60 seconds

Day 7 –  Rest

The first week is actually to make your body familiar with the exercises. But here on the journey becomes a little difficult and you should get ready to nail it.

Day 8

Perform static running for 1-2 minutes. Then do the following:

  • Jumping jacks – 10 sets 10 repetitions each
  • Push-ups – 5 sets 5 repetitions each
  • Squats – 1 minute
  • High Jumps – 8 sets
  • Wall sits – 1 minute

Day 9

Perform static running for 1-2 minutes. Then do the following:

  • Planks – 30 secs to 1 minute
  • Knee pull-ins – 8 sets 5 repetitions each
  • Crunches – 8 sets 5 repetitions each
  • Windshield wipers – 60 seconds
  • Push-ups – 10 sets 5 repetitions each

Day 10

Perform static running for 1-2 minutes. Then do the following:

  • Jumping jacks – 10 sets 10 repetitions each
  • Crossbody crunches – 10 sets 5 repetitions each
  • Forward lunges – 20 repetitions with each leg
  • High Knees – 60 seconds
  • Side to side lunges – 15 on each side

Day 11

Perform static running for 1-2 minutes. Then do the following:

  • Leg raises – 20 times
  • Jump squats – 20 repetition
  • Side body crunches – 8 sets 5 repetitions each
  • Reverse crunches – 1-2 minutes
  • Spider lunges – 10 repetitions

Day 12

Perform static running for 1-2 minutes. Then do the following:

  • Jumping jacks – 10 sets 10 repetitions each
  • Push-ups – 5 sets 5 repetitions each
  • Squats – 1 minute
  • Windshield wipers – 60 seconds
  • Push-ups – 10 sets 5 repetitions each

Day 13

Perform static running for 1-2 minutes. Then do the following:

  • Planks – 30 secs to 1 minute
  • Knee pull-ins – 8 sets 5 repetitions each
  • Crunches – 8 sets 5 repetitions each
  • High jumps – 8 sets
  • Wall sits – 1 minute

Day 14 – Rest

Going forward, you must repeat the routine of the last 7 days and keep on following it even after that. This is a long-term plan. The exercises may be simple, but the benefits are far-reaching. These can be done anywhere, just require a little bit of space and passion. It might be a good idea to print this out and keep it handy to keep you on track!

A Word of Caution

A few things are extremely important in a workout, they are:

  1. Warming up. Never start exercising without this. It can lead to twitching of the nerves, plus you risk your body for injuries.
  2. Cooling down or limbering down is extremely important.
  3. Rest in between two exercises and also in between two sets.
  4. A beginner should stretch only to the limit he can.
  5. Rest doesn’t mean lying on a couch all day long. Just keep moving your body. It will make sure you do not negate the benefits you have gained from exercising on the other 6 days.


This no gym-required workout routine might be difficult in the beginning, but with regular practice, anyone can slay it like a pro.

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