How Exercise Can Help Maintain a Healthy Marriage

Help Maintain a Healthy Marriage

Many of us think of exercise as an activity we force ourselves to do. We know it improves our overall physical health, memory, and possibly even makes us live longer. However, family lawyers in San Diego state that exercising also has psychological and emotional health benefits – such as reducing stress, which is important when you’re looking for new ways to maintain a healthy marriage with your partner.

How to maintain a healthy marriage

So, if you’re aching to be in a happier and healthier place in your marriage, consider exercising with your partner for the following reasons.

Increased Endorphins

Often times marriage can be stressful, especially when dealing with personal or financial problems. It’s important to have an outlet such as exercising to reduce any stress that may be caused.

Even 30 minutes of exercise a day can immediately reduce anxiety caused by stress and put you in a better mood. This is due to endorphins. When you engage in physical activity, endorphins are released from your body.

The chemical then creates that “euphoric” feeling you might get after an intense workout.

According to Web MD, it is proven that exercising can:

  • Lower stress levels
  • Ward off feelings of depression
  • Improve sleep pattern
  • Boost self-esteem

These all positively affect how you act with your loved one. If you are in happier moods, there’s less chance of getting into arguments and giving each other the silent treatment.

If you both decide to commit to daily exercise, you both will feel and be in a happier state of mind.

Quality Time Together

When life, work, and kids consume your day-to-day responsibilities, it’s easy to neglect alone time for you and your partner. In fact, most couples need to plan weeks in advance to spend time together. In order to have date nights, many things need to be accounted for.

Do the kids have a babysitter for the night? Are we both going to be home in time to make it to our dinner reservation? The thing is, spending time together does not need to be difficult to plan.

How Exercise Can Help Maintain a Healthy MarriageExercising with your partner will not only guarantee quality time together but will also be a progression of both of your bodies’ health. Once you’ve incorporated exercise into your daily lives, you won’t have to worry about booking a reservation.

It’ll already be a set event when you and your loved one will get to see each other and spend time achieving something greater for both of you.

That’s quite the win-win, isn’t it? One more thing to keep in mind: couples who work out together, stay together.

Becoming Positive Influences on Each Other

It’s one thing to spend quality time together. It’s another thing when that time together is meaningful and results in positive outcomes.

Having your loved one be your workout buddy can make them a positive influence on you, which is an entirely new bond. Create a health goal you’d like to achieve in a certain time frame.

Share it with your partner and make sure they have one as well. Setting a shared goal together will make it more feasible to accomplish.

This will allow both of you to grow together and strengthen your relationship.

Improves Sex Life

Working out not only helps manage weight but also improves your sex life with your loved one. Dr. Tina Penhollow states that being active raises your self-esteem and gives you a positive body image.

This gives off more confidence which can lead to sexual engagement.

Physical activity reduces stress which is important in your sex life because stress negatively affects your libido.

Exercising with your partner will make both of you feel better and intimately perform better.

How to Work Out with Your Partner

Now, the real question is, how do we accomplish all of these great benefits?

Depending on what you and your partner prefer to do for physical activity will determine what the right exercise is to do together. One of you might like going on a neighborhood jog while the other prefers practicing yoga.

It’s important to compromise or maybe try out different exercises to see what works best. It can be as simple as starting off with a walk around the block!

Start slow and be patient with one another.  The point is to use this time to communicate with each other about what type of exercise and at what pace feels good.

Then soon enough, you two will find your groove and commit to it.


It’d be naive to say that all marriages are perfect. In reality, it’s quite the opposite and is an ongoing learning process. When thinking of ways your marriage can be improved, consider exercising together.

Exercising with your partner will strengthen your relationship by encouraging each other to meet fitness goals, spending more time together, and feeling happier overall.

Make today the day you try something new with your marriage.

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