Lower Body Band Workout

A Great At-Home Band Workout

Have you been skipping your workout because it takes too long? This lower body band workout might be perfect for you then! You can build muscle and blast calories all while using minimal equipment. Give this band workout a try!

Workout at home with this band workout

Here’s a fast-paced, at-home workout that requires minimal equipment – just a set of loop exercise bands.

Trust me, it will touch your lower body. This workout will take less than 15-20 minutes (depending on how hard you push yourself).

Basically, you perform these 5 exercises in order for 30 seconds each, doing as many reps as you can during that time for a total of 3 sets.

Make sure to concentrate on your form as well! As always, make sure you are cleared by your doctor before beginning any exercise program! Now get at it:

Band Workout Exercises:

Basketball Shuffle:

King Athletics DIY Lower Body Band Workout Basketball Shuffle

Remember gym class (or basketball practice) where the coach had you shuffle back and forth? That’s basically what we are doing here.

We are going to get our heart rate elevated right from the get-go. Take a seat and put the bands carefully around your ankles and stand up in an area big enough for you to move 10+ feet in both directions. Then squat down and stay nice and low as you shuffle back and forth (keeping your feet 12+ inches apart the whole time). You will feel this in your quads, hips, and lungs! 🙂

Standing Leg Raise Exercise #1:

With the bands carefully placed around your ankles, hands on your hips, feet around shoulder-width apart, and standing straight, raise one leg forward (keeping it straight) before returning to the starting position. Then perform on the other leg. Likewise, you can also extend your leg back in order to effectively hit your glutes. You can hold onto a chair to steady yourself for extra stability.

Hip Abduction:

This exercise will help strengthen your hips.

With the bands carefully placed around your ankles, hands on your hips, feet around shoulder-width apart, and standing straight, raise one leg out laterally before returning to the starting position. Then perform on the other leg. You can hold onto a chair to steady yourself for extra stability.

Band Squat:

You knew I’d have to throw in squats, right?

Place the bands in the middle of your thigh above your knee. This will force you to keep your form and work your hips as well. With your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width, perform a normal squat (thighs parallel to the ground, knee above toe) and then return to the starting position.

Standing Leg Raise Exercise #2:

With the bands carefully placed around your ankles, hands on your hips, feet around shoulder-width apart, and standing straight, raise one leg up/in front of you (while bending your knee) before returning to the starting position. Then perform on the other leg. You can hold onto a chair to steady yourself for extra stability.

Wrap-Up: Band Workout

There you have it – an incredibly effective and efficient lower body band workout you can do at home in no time!

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