8 Essential Vitamins to Get You Through the Winter

Winter Is Coming! What Vitamins Matter Most this Time of Year?

As winter is approaching, we need to pay more attention to our health more than usual. Our immunity is decreasing during this cold season, causing a lot of physical discomforts.

In order to protect ourselves from the damages caused by the frosty season, we have to consume as many vitamins and mineral-enriched nutrients as we can. Wearing warm clothes and drinking lemon tea feels better when we are healthy enough to enjoy it! Here is a list of the essential vitamins we need to consume in order to stay in good shape this winter.

Load Up on these Vitamins this Winter

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is the best way to prevent the flu. Coughing, having a fever, or feeling unable to do any type of activity is very unpleasant. This important antioxidant heals wounds easily and protects our skin from the cold.

It is also enriched by iron, thus helping with your blood flow.

It’s important to remember that vitamin C cannot be produced by our own bodies.

Vitamin D

The role of vitamin D is to absorb and assimilate the minerals we get from food. It also plays an important role in stimulating normal cellular growth and improving our immune system. You can get vitamin D by consuming fish, beef liver, eggs, cheese, and liver oil.

Another way of getting it is by exposing yourself to the sun daily. It is demonstrated that by doing this for 15 minutes a day, you will get the necessary amount of vitamin D that you need.


Omega-3 deficiency is dangerous for our bodies and mental health. Symptoms might include dry skin, bad memory, temper swings, and heart complications.

Aside from maintaining a healthy body, Omega-3 fatty acids help with having a healthy pregnancy and fast athletic recovery. Your hair and nails also benefit from consuming Omega-3.

An easy way to ingest it is by consuming things like grass-fed beef, chia seeds, sardines, or salmon.

Tip: keep in mind that vegan or vegetarian consumers have a really low Omega-3 level. Other non-animal sources for Omega-3s include walnuts, seaweed, and hemp seeds.


This mineral is very important in our daily life, and we can easily find it in many products. Not consuming enough zinc causes stress, inability to concentrate, and accentuated predisposition to aging.

The absence of zinc in our bodies can also lead to infertility.

We have to pay attention to what our bodies need. If we start having cravings for either sweet or salty foods all of a sudden, zinc might be the answer. Another way to tell that we are missing zinc is noticing chronic fatigue, poor memory, or a slow ringing in the ears.

Vitamin A vitamins, minerals, winter, essential vitamins, nutrition

The benefits of taking vitamin A are improved vision, bone strengthening, thicker skin, and muscular growth. It also helps us with our acne, and it fixes the tissues in our bodies. Not consuming enough vitamin A makes us likely to be affected by viruses.

It is very important for children to consume it, too. Deficiency leads to a predisposition to infant diseases such as measles or rubella.

You can find vitamin A in tuna, margarine, yogurt, eggs, swordfish, or even orange juice.

Vitamin E

This essential vitamin balances the levels of cholesterol in our system and makes us stronger and more resistant. It prevents our cholesterol from oxidation, which is extremely dangerous.

Vitamin E also prevents diseases and keeps us as healthy as possible through healing sunburns, eczema, and acne. It can also help fight cancer and balances our hormones.

We find vitamin E in foods such as seeds (sunflower seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, or cashew) as well as fruits and vegetables such as mangoes or broccoli.


Essential for forming red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout our bodies, it is also extremely beneficial for mental and physical performance. If we don’t consume or absorb enough iron, it can lead to anemia (which is basically the inability to shuttle oxygen around our bodies).

The best way to consume iron is to eat pork, red meat, seafood, peas, beans, dried fruit, and iron-fortified cereal.


Last but not least, Selenium is crucial in our body’s functions. Selenium is an antioxidant and protects our cells from damage, prevents infections, and even helps our thyroid glands work properly.

We can find Selenium in meat, nuts, fish, and cereal. Most of the time, you will get enough Selenium from your diet. However, if you don’t, you can also take supplements. The recommended dose is 200 mg per day.


Staying healthy comes at a price—we have to invest in our health and understand how important it is to have all the necessary elements in our bodies. So make sure the food you consume is providing you with enough of these nutrients! Taking into consideration all the advice above, you will stay healthy throughout the winter season for sure.

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