Potato And Egg Recipe

Potato Love Recipe

Want deliciously simple? Well of course you do, we all do! Want a healthy alternative for breakfast or even a great post-workout meal? This may be one of the simplest recipes I’ve ever had. This amazing meal is great for a post-workout meal because it combines plenty of carbs, proteins, and even fiber into one easy-to-make meal! As we have discussed many times, you have to eat and eat properly to see the results you want!

Potato Love Ingredients

  • 1 – Large red potato (with skin): 250 calories, 7g protein, 6g fiber
  • 1 – cup onion: 160 calories, 2g protein, 3g fiber
  • 2 – Large eggs: 180 calories, 12g protein
  • 2 – Tsp minced garlic (I’m lazy so I buy already minced garlic)
  • 2 – Tblsp of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
  • Black Pepper to taste

Potato Love Directions

  1. First, wash and slice your onion and potato into small chunks (1/2 in cubes). 
  2. pot2Add a small amount (2-3 tbsp) of EVOO to a large skillet. Turn your oven top on low and add all the ingredients besides the eggs, stir.
  3. Cover the concoction and let it steam (you can add a couple of tsp of water if you want to steam quicker) for 20 minutes stirring occasionally and adding any black pepper you may want.
  4. When the potatoes are soft enough to easily cut with your spatula, create a little hole in the mix and put the eggs (as many as you want) there to cook evenly.
  5. Once the eggs are cooked, remove the concoction, let it cool, and enjoy!
  6. I usually put hot sauce on things like this to not only add a little flare of taste but to also get some of the added benefits of capsaicin from the peppers! What are your go-to meals?

What else can we add to spice it up? Let us know below!

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