5 Buying Tips for Medium Dark Roast Coffee

medium dark roast coffee

Buy the Best Medium-Dark Coffee

Different types of coffee roasts are available and categorized using their color, which ranges from light to medium to dark. Each type of coffee has its own characteristics that are used in identifying them before pointing of purchase. Medium-dark coffee, when removed from the coffee roaster, is normally lightly roasted compared to dark coffee and darker than light coffee. Here are tips on buying the best medium-dark coffee.

5 Tips for Buying Medium-Dark Coffee

Go for Whole Beans

Coffee reacts with air, making preservation of the beans as a whole the best option. Numerous coffee retailers sell pre-ground coffee, most of which normally retains its flavor within the bean. Ground coffee beans release their aroma due to exposure to oxygen, which lessens their taste and flavor the longer they’ve been ground.

Buy whole beans and only grind them when you want to prepare a cup of coffee for better taste and experience.

Check the Location

5 Tips for Buying Medium-Dark Coffee How toThe location where the coffee beans are grown is important due to the different soils and weather conditions conducive to the growth of coffee beans. The soil also influences the overall taste and flavor of the coffee beans harvested.

Find the origin of your medium-dark coffee to narrow down the best depending on your preferences. For a better experience, you can try out different medium-dark coffee brands from different locations and then pick on the best.

Check the Color

Medium-dark coffee beans are brown in color, slightly lighter than light roast, with a few visible coffee oils on the beans. The coffee has a balance of acidity and the coffee bean size is well rounded, making it release a sweet aroma and flavor.

Check the label on the package for an explanation of the roasting method or ask the seller. This will enable you to determine the quality of the coffee. If properly roasted, medium-dark coffee will have a sweet taste and fulfilling aroma.

Check the Roasting Date

If you are buying medium-dark coffee, it has to be fresh. A coffee roast that has stayed for four to twelve days is fresh and ideal, while that which has stayed for over twelve days tends to lose its flavor.

Overstayed coffee will taste very different from freshly brewed medium-dark coffee. Check the date on the bag before buying the coffee.

Buy from a Reliable Retailer or Shop

Numerous roasters are available for purchase from anyone who sells and delivers fresh coffee beans. You can also get medium-dark coffee from cafés that roast their own beans.

It is not ideal to buy beans from supermarkets since they might not be of the best quality. Locate a coffee shop within your locality and pick the best.


Medium-dark coffee is easily accessible, and its ability to retain flavor makes it very among coffee drinkers. Buy the best for an unforgettable experience.

5 Buying Tips for Medium Dark Roast Coffee