How To Lose Stress And Weight Gain

stress and weight gain

Stress Can Make Us Gain Weight, But We Can Avoid It

Are you someone who eats when stressed? If yes, this is an extremely important post for you. Even if you do not eat excessively when under stress, you need to know how to avoid stress-induced weight gain. Why? Stress causes us to pack on the pounds if we’re not careful!

Beating stress-induced weight gain is important. Here are some ways in which you can achieve the objective.

5 Ways to Avoid Stress-Induced Weight Gain

1. Adjust Your Meal Proportions

If you have an opportunity to burn fewer calories by eating more often, you’ll be in a win-win situation. Make sure you adjust your meal portions in a way that you do not feel hungry after consuming a particular quantity of food on a regular basis.

This is one of the easiest ways in which you can accomplish your objectives and avoid weight gain.

2. Choose Your Food Wisely

Stress causes your body to burn less fat while you eat.

This means you’ll end up storing more of it in your body. However, the aim is not to cut down on healthy fat but to get rid of unhealthy elements that can be a cause of concern for you. So, choose your food wisely, and you’ll be in a position to stay healthy while you eat something.

For example, eating salad is a better option than opting for junk food if you are stressed out.

3. Take Some Medicine5 Ways to Avoid Stress-Induced Weight Gain

Doctors often prescribe medicines such as Paxil for patients who are suffering from situations including stress, social anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress syndrome, and panic attacks.

If you have been prescribed medication, you should make sure that you consume it and keep yourself out of the stress zone. Remember that it will help you and avoid food when you are stressed.

4. Water Is Important

Water is one of the best ways in which you can keep yourself away from weight gain. It helps in keeping your stomach full so you do not end up consuming anything unnecessarily.

With this being said, we hope you’ll find a way to keep a bottle of water by your side at all times. Take a sip at regular intervals to keep full as well as realize the benefits of being hydrated.

5. Deep Breathing Helps

Controlled deep breathing helps reduce cortisol levels by calming your body and mind.

Meditation, yoga, and other wellness practices help relieve muscle tension and shift your mindset so you’re no longer focused on what’s stressing you out and urging you to eat.

This is a quick way in which you can keep yourself out of the stress zone and be sure that you do not eat unnecessarily.


Following these 5 tips can help you avoid stress-induced weight gain. Stave off that extra layer of subcutaneous fat while still dealing with your stressors—after all, it’s not fair to be stressed and gain unwanted weight!

How To Lose Stress And Weight Gain