Important Life Lessons: Time And Wisdom

important life lessons time and wisdom

Learning Life’s Lesson

Time and wisdom are the principal things to have in life to succeed.  Wisdom can be an arduous task when taught, but an intelligent person will always be willing to learn and understand in any situation you find yourself in.

Time and wisdom…

In this article, we’ll take you through the lessons to be learned through wisdom.

1. There are lessons everywhere

Whatever life pushes your way, know that there are lessons to be learned. The setbacks or failures you have experienced in the past or presently going through are a blessing in disguise if you grasp the lesson therein.

However, the question is, “How can you discover the lesson in that situation you are presently going through, and the ability to utilize the lesson effectively?”

Getting an answer to these questions requires wisdom. Though the lesson will not come easily. it can give you the needed courage to turn that anger and resentment into something productive.

2. Determine your own happiness

No one is responsible for your happiness. It would reckless to believe some people determine your happiness. Wisdom helps in concluding that, even if you have the best material things in life, you can still be unhappy.

If you have that delusion that your happiness lies on external influences, then it’s time to change your thinking.

Learning Life’s Lesson With Time and Wisdom3. Did yourself of anger

It is a known fact that rage is self-destructive. It is a necessary evil you have to avoid. You’ll see some things that will make you get angry, but allowing it to alter the features that make you a human being is harmful.

Often, a wise man knows that his anger and hatred will hurt him the most, so he will always want to let it go, to give room for other productive things.

4. Forgive and forget revenge

Forgiveness is one of the characteristics of a wise man. “Nurturing the thought to revenge will put you in the same level as the person that hurts you” is one of the manly quotes.

It requires a lot of self-control to forgive. However, forgiving gives you the ability to release the sentiments and resentment within you.

5. Don’t let room for regret

The biggest form of failure is the regret that you didn’t try anything at all.

It is better to have experienced many failures because you’ll surely learn one or two lessons from them than to regret missed opportunities due to fear of failure.

6. Money is not everything

Most people think that money is the primary thing in our world today. But it requires wisdom to know that there are lots of things money can’t buy.

Therefore, it is cogent to know that money isn’t the solution to everything.

7. Learn from other’s mistakes

One cogent way of learning is learning from other’s mistakes. This will give you an edge and also come in handy when the situation requires it.

8. Trust in yourself

Many tend to put a limit on what they can do because they don’t trust themselves. Trusting oneself will give the needed courage to bring your dreams to fulfillment.

9. Discover your purpose in life

Discovering your purpose in life is a big step towards making the most out of life.

Though this is a bit difficult to realize because it takes a lot of reflection, rationality with experience but it pays in the end.

10. Make the best of every situation

The best make the best of every situation. Having this mentality will give you the courage to discover the opportunities therein.


Time and wisdom is a prerequisite to living your life successfully. So, you need to be wise to forge your own path in life.