7 Easy Yoga Poses For Beginners

yoga poses for beginners

Get Started With These Easy Yoga Exercises

We all know yoga can increase our flexibility and help us “chill out” (who couldn’t relax a little more). But do you know exactly how to even get started? For this DIY Fitness article, our expert sent us over 7 yoga exercises that are perfect for beginners. Give them a try today!

Yoga exercises for beginners

When some people hear the word yoga, they usually just shrug it off and completely pass up that opportunity to work out and exercise. Maybe it’s because we’ve all heard it’s a really hard exercise routine where you need to be flexible – for more fitness info check out HealthTrends.com.

To tell you the truth, there are some yoga exercises that you can easily do. No need to worry about feeling like a newbie. Yoga can also be a good option for seniors looking for a fitness routine.

The best time to start creating a healthy lifestyle is NOW. Don’t wait and let chances pass you by.

So let’s start with these seven easy-to-do yoga exercises which are practical for beginners.

So, are you ready to give yoga a try?

1. Sukhasana or the Easy Cross Leg

This is one of the basic yoga exercises that are fairly easy for beginners. All you have to do is sit cross-legged. Make sure to keep your posture as straight as you sit on the floor.

This is a starting point for beginners to assess and while doing this, it improves your back flexibility. Plus, breathing relieves your physical and mental stress.

2. Tadasana or the Mountain Pose

This is another basic template for starting with yoga postures. This pose starts with standing tall with both of your feet together and with your eyes closed. As a reminder, your body should not be stiff as a rock.

If so, separate your feet slightly which should be enough to give you a more relaxed posture. Have both of your arms resting at your sides.

3. Balasana or the Child’s Pose

This yoga posture is actually a resting pose that you need to maintain for a good few minutes. You have to start with a kneeling position where the top of your feet is face down on the floor.

Keep your feet and legs together while kneeling and then you will have to rest your abdomen and chest on your legs as you place your head on the floor while both of your arms outstretched in front of you.

4. Cow and Cat Pose

After doing the balasana, from your kneeling position you will have to straighten up on all fours. Place your hands directly below your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. All limbs should be vertically on point. It also helps when you are able to equally distribute your weight.

This yoga posture allows your body to stretch from the neck to the tailbone. This yoga pose helps with back pain.

5. Adho Mukha Svanasana or the Downward Facing Dog Pose

yoga exercises downward facing dogAgain, after doing the cow and cat pose you can follow with Adho Mukha Svanasana. Your body will have to stretch out as both of your arms and legs forming in a diagonal stance and allow it to form a triangle. Hands should be pressed firmly on the front of your yoga mat while your feet are pressed at the back.

This pose may require you to take a break and back from the balasana pose. This is good for your flexibility.

6. Baby Pigeon Pose

Getting out from all fours, you will need to move your right knee upfront just between your hands. Then very slowly straighten your other leg behind you while keeping the left knee and foot stretched out and pressing unto the floor. This yoga pose is actually very popular for a lot of runners.

The baby pigeon pose helps in boosting your hip flexibility.

7. Vrksasana or the Tree Pose

This is one of the yoga poses that is quite popular. One look from this stance is automatically categorized as a yoga exercise. You will have to stand up straight when starting with the tree pose and then bring your hands together similar to a praying position. Next, you will balance on your right leg while bending your left knee out and then placing your left foot to the inner thigh of the opposite leg.

Make sure to press on your left foot and hold for a good total of 30 seconds while lifting your arms over your head and then back to your chest (still in a praying position). This pose aids in improving your balance.


There are many reasons to start doing yoga and adding it to your daily routine.

What are those reasons, you ask?

Yoga improves your flexibility and balance as well as tones your body. It also helps you relieve the stress you’ve been experiencing from work and helps your mind and body relax which is what every one of us needs from time to time.

James is a part-time blogger and medical student of the University of the Philippines. His work mostly consists of tips to live a healthy and active lifestyle. His knowledge mostly comes from the doctors from the Hormone Replacement Therapy Florida. You can also follow him at JM_Jav21.
James Javier
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