The 8 Most Common Nutrition Myths

nutrition myths

Believe In These Nutrition Myths?

From avoiding carbs to consuming only low-fat foods, there are so many common nutrition myths out there. Do you know the lies from the truth? Find out!

Avoid these nutrition myths…

You have just decided to improve your life. You are going to start with eating healthier. Most people will give you a lot of advice on how to become healthy…

However, most of these people are not up-to-date and have heard only nutrition myths…

Here are the latest discoveries about nutrition and the truth behind known practices.

1. Salt Should Be Restricted

People say that you should eat less salt because it increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Salt has no connection to heart attack and stroke and restricting salt doesn’t make any difference.

Unless you already have a medical condition that is connected to salt, you can eat salt and stay healthy. Salt is an essential part of the flavors of foods, and living life without it makes it a lot less enjoyable.

Obviously, enjoy in moderation.

10 Common Nutrition Myths2. Egg Yolks Should Be Avoided

They tell you to leave out the egg yolk because it is high in cholesterol. They say it causes heart diseases. The truth is that egg yolks are harmless to a majority of people.

The yolks have almost every nutrient that a human needs. Removing egg yolks from your diet will deny you of eating one of the most nutritious foods in the world.

3. Use Sea Salt Instead of Regular Salt

The only difference between sea salt and regular salt is that sea salt has more minerals in it.

In terms of nutrition, though, the two aren’t different. Sea salt and regular salt both come from the sea.

4. All Fats Are Bad

There are different types of fat, and some are actually good. Some fats are even essential for the human body to function better. Polyunsaturated fat is a necessary fact in the body that humans get from foods.

Monounsaturated fats are good fats also. The only bad fats are trans fats. Trans fats are human-made and should be avoided!

5. Low Fat Helps with Weight Loss

Many studies on low-fat diets proved that a low-fat diet doesn’t help with weight loss.

It has no effect on people because many times the fat is taken out and replaced with sugar to make it palatable.

6. Artificial Sweeteners are Sugar Replacements

Artificial sweeteners artificially produce the taste of sugar. They only make the human body crave more sugar.

It’s like giving a person a box of chocolates with no single piece of chocolate inside. The person only ends up thinking of chocolates.

Artificial sweeteners are not sugar replacements, and they are not always effective in weight loss. Artificial sweeteners are also addictive.

You may be able to bear with the mental and physical confusion that artificial sweeteners create if you are able to focus well. Smart drugs are brain enhancers that can help you in any situation, including your hard work towards a healthier body.

This is one way to bear with artificial sweeteners.

7. Skipping Meals Helps with Weight Loss

Skipping meals only makes you so hungry and causes you to overeat at mealtime.

Skipping meals can also make you sick, which will stand in the way of your path to weight loss.

8. Coffee is Unhealthy and Should Be Avoided

We’ve been told that coffee is unhealthy. Coffee can potentially be more nutritious than fruits and vegetables combined. It has lots of antioxidants, and it helps prevent a whole lot of diseases.

People who drink coffee are also known to live longer than people who do not drink coffee. Coffee is healthy.


So the next time you hear any of these common nutrition myths, you know the ultimate truth!

Eat healthily, eat in moderation stay active and that is a great start to getting in better shape!

Bill Brown is an American content writer. He belongs to a health and beauty expert family. His writing skills are descriptive and meaningful. He enjoys reading and writing health and fitness blogs so he has written many oral health care blogs too. He is the person who likes to stay fit and healthy, so always keeps him updated about the recent health and fitness tips.
Bill Brown
The 8 Most Common Nutrition Myths