Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes: Eat Healthy, Be Happy!

Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes Eat Healthy, Be Happy!

Want Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes?

It’s that time of year—time for eating yourself into a coma and loosening up the belt! But maybe you are looking for a healthier, happier, less bloated way this year. Tara stops by and gives us some great tips for keeping it practical and some seriously awesome healthy Thanksgiving recipes!

Eat Healthily, Live Happily, and Be Guilt-Free

There’s no doubt that the holiday season is the most fun yet challenging time to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

There is abundant sugar, alcohol, and those oh-so-unhealthy yet tasty treats.

The good news is that there is a solution that does not rely on self-control and deprivation; it’s learning to listen to your body’s signals and find healthy alternatives for those beloved holiday foods.

Below are some tips and healthy Thanksgiving recipes to help you get through this holiday season while still enjoying those amazing foods.

Naturally, Prevent Cravings and Over-Indulging:

healthy thanksgiving recipesEat more vegetables and fruits. Of course, this would be at the top of the list regarding healthy Thanksgiving recipes and tips. Some of the most delicious fruits, including cranberries, pomegranates, and tangerines, are in season during the holidays.

These fruits can help prevent overindulging in sweet treats, pies, and other holiday sweets by serving as replacements and satisfying that sweet tooth.

Adding sweet vegetables helps crowd out less healthy foods in the diet. Try parsnips, carrots, beets, winter squashes, sweet potatoes, and yams.

Eating more vegetables and fruits makes you crave sugar less.

Minimize caffeine. The highs and lows that caffeine creates in our bodies often result from dehydration and blood sugar spikes, leading to cravings for sugary food more often. To minimize these extremes, try switching out your normal cup of coffee (or reducing the amount you drink) with herbal coffee.

This caffeine-free alternative to coffee is tea that comes in an array of flavors, including Dandelion Roast or Longevity Spring tea with Gynostemma, an herb that supports healthy immune activity and increased energy.

Stay hydrated. Often, we mistake thirst signals for hunger and end up eating unnecessarily. An easy tip is to drink two glasses of water before your Thanksgiving meal and then reach for that extra snack.

Your brain might be telling you that you’re thirsty!

Add spices. Certain spices, such as coriander, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, saffron, and cardamom, actually have properties that reduce food cravings.

These spices will naturally add flavor to your foods, increase serotonin levels that will leave you feeling satisfied and reduce cravings.

Load up on electrolytes: Drinking alcohol can deplete your electrolytes and make you feel lethargic and crave carbohydrates. Certain supplements, such as Drinkwel, that contain minerals and vitamins exist and should be taken before and after drinking alcohol.

You can also take 150 mg of magnesium, calcium, B6, and B12, which you might already have in your medicine cabinet. For extra electrolyte balance, drink natural coconut water, eat grapefruit for natural detoxification of alcohol, eat antioxidant-rich fruits, and eat dark leafy greens such as kale and spinach.

Avoid These Pitfalls During the Holidays

Using canned and packaged foods seems like a wonderful solution when you’re in a hurry and need to prepare a dish quickly.

However, these foods are usually highly processed and usually contain high amounts of sodium and preservatives that can lead to dehydration and increased food cravings.

Take the time to properly plan your meal and prep items the night before, if needed. You’ll have fresher ingredients, and your body won’t suffer the consequences of food cravings and the guilt you’ll feel when overindulging.

Make sure to take extra notice to avoid these keywords: canned, stovetop, and ready-made.

Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes

1.) Mashed Cauliflower & Turnips (alt. to mashed potatoes)

Healthy Thanksgiving recipes Cauliflower


  • 1 medium-sized cauliflower chopped up
  • 3 turnips chopped and peeled
  • 1 tbsp grass-fed butter
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk or another nut milk
  • 7 chives chopped
  • 2 tbsp organic sour cream
  • pink salt and black pepper for taste


  1. Bring water to a boil, add the chopped cauliflower and turnips, and cook for 20 min
  2. Once tender, drain the pot and add the vegetables, nut milk,and sour cream to a blender
  3. Blend until it’s smooth and creamy. Garnish with chopped chives & add salt-pepper for
  4. flavor

2.) Lemon Garlic Brussels Sprouts

Healthy Thanksgiving recipes BSprouts


  • 1 large brussel sprout bulb- cut each in half
  • 2 lemons
  • 3 garlic bulbs- chop up the cloves of each
  • 3 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1/2 tsp chili flakes
  • 1 tsp pink salt and black pepper


  1. Preheat oven to 450 and toss the chopped brussels sprouts and garlic in coconut oil
  2. Use parchment paper over a large baking sheet and place the Brussels sprouts on top
  3. Let it roast for 20-30 min. and stir and roast for another 15-20 minutes
  4. Toss the Brussels sprouts with lemon juice, chili pepper, salt, and black pepper, and serve

3.) Healthy Pumpkin Pie

Healthy Thanksgiving recipes Pumpkin Pie


  • ½ cup coconut palm sugar
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt
  • ½ teaspoon ground ginger
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cloves
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 can (15 oz.) 100% Pure Pumpkin
  • 1 unbaked 9-inch pie shell
  • 1 can (13.5 oz.) full-fat coconut milk


  1. Preheat oven to 375. Combine all filling ingredients in a bowl and puree with a hand mixer
  2. Pour filling ingredients into the pie shell
  3. Bake for 40 to 50 minutes or until knife inserted near center comes out clean
  4. Cool on a rack for 2 hours. Serve immediately or refrigerate
  5. Top with coconut whipped cream before serving

4.) Spinach, Pecan & Endive Salad

Healthy Thanksgiving recipes spinach


  • 1 bag of organic spinach
  • 3 heads Belgian endive, halved, cored, and sliced
  • ½ cup pomegranate seeds
  • ½ cup of pecans, chopped

Agave Nectar Vinaigrette

  • 2 tbsp agave nectar syrup
  • 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tbsp organic cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil
  • Pinch pink salt/black pepper


  1. Toast pecans in a skillet over low heat, stirring often for 2 to 3 minutes, and let them cool
  2. Toss spinach, Belgian endive, and pomegranates in a large bowl
  3. Heat olive oil in a small skillet with low heat. Add apple cider vinegar and agave nectar syrup and let it boil
  4. Pour dressing over salad, toss with pecans, and season with salt and pepper

5.) Holiday Spiced Nuts & Seeds

Healthy Thanksgiving recipes nuts


  • 1 egg white
  • 1 teaspoon pink salt
  • 3 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice (mix of cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and nutmeg)
  • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • ¼ cup coconut palm sugar
  • 4 cups raw unsalted nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans, and cashews)
  • 2 cups raw pumpkin seeds


  1. Preheat oven to 250 degrees
  2. Place egg white in a bowl and whip until frothy
  3. Stir in sugar, salt, and spices & combine them with the nuts and seeds, coating them evenly
  4. Use a large baking pan line it with parchment paper, and place nuts in one layer on top of it
  5. Bake for 45 min to 1 hour and let the nuts cool down for a few minutes
  6. Store the extra in an airtight container in the fridge

6.) Pecan Brookies

Healthy Thanksgiving recipes pecan


  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tbsp. coconut oil
  • 1 tsp. unsalted grass-fed butter
  • 2 semisweet chocolate chunks (72% cacao)
  • ¾ cup coconut palm sugar
  • ½ tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup chopped pecans
  • ½ tsp all-purpose flour
  • ¼ tsp. baking powder
  • ¼ tsp. pink salt


  1. Preheat oven to 350 & melt the chocolate, oil, and butter on the stovetop
  2. Whisk together eggs, coconut sugar, and vanilla in another bowl until combined. Add the melted chocolate mixture to the egg mixture
  3. Whisk together the dry ingredients in a separate bowl. Combine the flour mixture with the chocolate mixture, pecans, and the chocolate chunks
  4. Freeze the mixture on a pie plate for 8 minutes until it hardens
  5. Place the mixture on parchment paper in a deep baking pan. Bake 15 min
  6. The tops should be dry and cracked, while the insides remain moist. Let it cool


How do those healthy Thanksgiving recipes sound?

These recipes and tips can help you really enjoy this holiday season, from preventing overindulging to eating healthily! Apart from eating healthily, you should also take care of your dental health! Check out this link for the Best dentist in Chandler.

This is some great advice we can all implement (who doesn’t need more healthy Thanksgiving recipes?) this year to be healthy, happy, and guilt-free!

Kettlebell Workouts for Beginners

Kettlebell Workouts for Beginners Series

Here are Your Kettlebell Workouts

Not long ago, kettlebells were practically unknown, and nobody knew how to train with them. These days, you can find kettlebells at almost any gym in the world, and they have become an incredibly popular tool for fitness. One could argue people still don’t know how to train with kettlebells, though, which is why this series of articles exists: to eliminate the mystery around how to safely and effectively start training with kettlebells.

Kettlebell workouts

The kettlebell may seem intimidating at first glance, especially for the beginner or novice.

After all, a kettlebell is a cannonball welded onto a thick handle that you swing around your body in a ballistic manner. It’s natural to have a bit of fear!

Learning how to use a kettlebell isn’t necessarily easy, but it’s worth the time investment to reap the fat-burning and muscle-building benefits of lifting kettlebells.

Kettlebell training specifically targets the areas where most people lack strength and flexibility due to spending so much time sitting at a desk: glutes, hamstrings, upper back, and core.

While most often used for ballistic movements like swings, cleans, and snatches, kettlebells can also be used for all the standard exercises typically performed with a dumbbell. The versatility and applicability of kettlebell training make them the perfect tool for both at-home fitness and group classes at a gym.

Little space is needed, and an effective workout can take as little as 20 minutes and require just one or two kettlebells.

Kettlebell Workouts for Beginners

In this Kettlebell Workouts for Beginners, we will perform a full-body workout focusing on seven major compound movement patterns.

This workout is designed to develop a solid foundation of strength, increase muscle definition, and improve endurance in all major muscle groups.

The workout requires only one kettlebell. We recommend that women start with a 6-8 kg (13-18 lbs) kettlebell and that men start with a 10-12 kg (22-26 lbs) kettlebell.

The workout can be performed in two different ways:

  1. Consecutive Sets – Perform three sets of 8-12 reps per exercise with 30-45 seconds of rest between sets.
  2. Circuit – Perform each exercise for 60 seconds back-to-back, then rest for 60 seconds. Complete 3-4 circuits.

Straight Arm Crunch

Primary Muscles Targeted: rectus abdominis, internal and external obliques, and hip flexors

  1. Lie on your back with your feet flat and knees bent, holding onto either side of the kettlebell handle (weighted side of the kettlebell up toward the ceiling).
  2. Engage your core by peeling the shoulder blades, the upper back up off the floor a few inches, and pressing the kettlebell toward the ceiling. Keep your neck neutral (avoid excessively pulling your chin into the chest).
  3. Slowly lower the shoulder blades back down to the floor, vertebrae by vertebrae. Keep your arms straight throughout the exercise.

Goblet Squat

Kettlebell Workouts for Beginners Goblet Squat

Primary Muscles Targeted: quadriceps, gluteal muscles, and hamstrings

  1. Stand upright with your feet about hip-width apart. Hold the sides of the kettlebell handle in both hands at chest height while keeping your elbows tucked in.
  2. Squat down, bending at the hips and knees while maintaining an upright, neutral spine.
  3. Lower down until your thighs are parallel or slightly below parallel with the floor, and your elbows tap the inside of your knees.
  4. Push through your heels and return to the upright position, finishing with fully extended hips by contracting the glutes.

Lying Chest Press

Primary Muscles Targeted: pectoralis major, deltoids, and triceps

  1. Lie on your back, your feet flat on the ground, and your knees bent. Bring the kettlebells into position on either side of your body, hands fully inserted through the handles and elbows tight to the body.
  2. Press the kettlebells up and over the chest, locking out the elbows. Lower the kettlebell back down until the elbows touch the floor. Keep the lower back flat throughout the movement.

Single Arm Bent Row

Kettlebell Workouts for Beginners Single Arm Bent Row

Primary Muscles Targeted: latissimus dorsi, rear deltoids, trapezius, rhomboids, erector spinae

  1. With your feet in a staggered stance, hinge at the hips and place the kettlebell on the floor on the side opposite to your front foot, holding the handle with the opposite side hand. Maintain a neutral (flat) spine position throughout the movement.
  2. Lift the kettlebell by drawing your elbow toward your belly button and squeezing your shoulder blades together. Instead of pulling your elbow up as high as possible, focus on creating tension through the lats and upper back by pulling your shoulder blade down and back. If the goal targets your back muscles, the elbow should just come to the side of the ribs or slightly above.
  3. Lower the kettlebell back to the floor and release the shoulder blade before reengaging it for the next repetition.
  4. Repeat the movement on the other side.

Stiff Leg Deadlift

Primary Muscles Targeted: hamstrings, gluteus maximus, and erector spinae

  1. Start with your feet about hip-width apart, and the kettlebell is between the feet. Hinge at the hips with a slight knee bend and grab the kettlebell handle with both hands. The shoulders should be over the toes. The spine should be neutral, shoulders at or above hip level, and upper back muscles engaged.
  2. Drive through the floor and extend the hips into standing, contracting the glutes to complete the movement.
  3. In subsequent repetitions, only go down as far as you can while maintaining a neutral spine with a slight knee bend. If you cannot maintain a neutral spine bringing the kettlebell down to the floor, use a box or elevated platform to bring the floor to you.

Single Arm Overhead Press

Kettlebell Workouts for Beginners single arm kettlebell overhead press

Primary Muscles Targeted: deltoids, latissimus dorsi, trapezius, and triceps

  1. Start with the kettlebell in rack position: your hand is fully inserted through the bell handle so the handle lies diagonally across your palm, and the kettlebell is resting in the V of your shoulder, elbow, and hand.
  2. Activate your lats by depressing and retracting your shoulder, then press the kettlebell overhead, extending your arm fully and locking your elbow in the top position. Make sure to squeeze your glutes and brace your core throughout the press.
  3. Lower the kettlebell back to the start position, depressing the shoulder to keep the lats active (this will set you up for a strong rep).
  4. Repeat the movement on the other side.

Offset Farmer Carry

Primary Muscles Targeted: Full-body

  1. To come to a standing position, perform a single-arm deadlift with a neutral spine, holding the kettlebell by the handle in one hand to the side of your body.
  2. Walk at a controlled speed, maintaining an upright neutral spine with core engaged and shoulder blades pinched together.
  3. Switch the kettlebell to the other side and repeat.
  4. Carry the kettlebell for about 30 seconds – 1 minute per arm.


As you build strength and endurance, you will be able to increase weight and reps.

You should always ensure that you execute all kettlebell movements properly to avoid injury (consult your physician before beginning any exercise program).

5 Ways To Stay Fit During The Holidays

Stay Fit During the Holidays Featured 3

How to Stay Fit During the Holidays

The holidays are here! Time for friends, family, and food. Is there a way to keep your physique this season? Who wants to hit the gym constantly over the holidays? Not me! This expert drops by to give us some simple tips that you can use this year to stay fit during the holidays!

Want to stay fit during the holidays?

The Holiday season is here, and with it comes the season to be happy, thankful, and, most of all, stuffed! Speaking of stuff, some fitness enthusiasts actually don’t like the season as it often derails them from their current training routine.

Depending on where you are, the gyms might be closed due to heavy snowfall, the weather might be too bad for your usual run, or sometimes the food you’re “scheduled” to eat is no longer available.

What’s worse is the sudden influx of parties, and late-night eating and drinking could spell disaster for your fitness goals!

Don’t panic! Here are 5 effective ways to stay fit and strong during the holidays!

1. Revise your schedule

Everything starts with a plan, as not planning is planning to fail. Get your notebook and list all your holiday activities, arranging them so that you can squeeze in an hour or two for your fitness routine.

It could be as simple as doing a 20-minute HIIT workout in between shopping for gifts and decorating the house or hitting the gym right after office hours and just before a really late Christmas buffet.

Stay Fit During the HolidaysWhen you plan it out, stick to your schedule as much as possible. If one particular day is too tight, make it your official recovery day.

Recovery days aren’t exactly “cheat” since muscles also need to rest.

2. Start the day earlier

Most people prefer to work out in the afternoon or after office hours, but this could be devastating during the Holiday season, as sometimes gyms close earlier or your buddies want to go out somewhere and have a few drinks.

Whether you like it or not, you’ll have to change your workout time for a few weeks, and sometimes, it means getting up earlier than usual.

Yes, it’s hard to accept that despite the cold weather and the stronger bond between you and your bed during this time, you must exert an extra ounce of willpower to get your workout done and over with as soon as possible.

Ending your workouts earlier in the day will allow you to spend the rest of the day doing something else.

3. Skip the iron

If you want to stay fit during the holidays, the gyms we go to often require a few minutes of driving. If you live in a place with plenty of snow this season, then expect heavier and slower traffic than usual.

If you get stuck behind the wheel instead of the squat rack, then you have really accepted the fact that you’ll have to spot your gym buddies some other time.

Don’t worry about not getting a decent workout since you can definitely take advantage of learning bodyweight exercises right inside your home.

There are plenty of bodyweight exercises available, such as push-ups, squats, and burpees. Not to mention their multiple variations, which can sometimes make the exercise require more effort than simply lifting heavy stuff.

4. Train with volume

In conjunction with tip no. 3. You should get your workout fixed with plenty of volume. This is especially useful if you’re often the type of lifter who just goes for 3 reps per set due to the weight of the barbell or because of a program you’re following.

You can try to offset the lack of weight on your shoulders by simply training enough to ensure your body misses the single-digit reps it’s usually fond of.

Volume training also allows your body to build up endurance and overall stamina, which is crucial when competing in games requiring tons of energy and twice as much lung power.

Crossfit games and the Tough Mudder easily come to mind, but volume training can also help you go the extra mile with your runs or get one more rep in before the failure.

5. Indulge in discipline

Stay Fit During the HolidaysWe can’t avoid eating the food we want to avoid at all times, and this fact cannot cause us to be more stressed during the holiday season. Our personal trainers cringe at cupcakes, peppermint candies, cookies, milk, chocolate, ham, and many other foods.

While this is the season to “let go,” it’s always better to exercise some restraint.

While you can always just pop in a few diet pills for weight loss, it would be a lot smarter (and cheaper) to keep the following set of rules in mind:

  • Have a little bit of everything but only a little: Feel free to take a bite out of everything just to taste it. This will also prevent you from being tempted to gorge on food uncontrollably.
  • Put as much as only one plate can hold: Limit yourself to a single plate and fill it up reasonably so you won’t return for seconds.
  • Don’t eat foods available throughout the year: Go for the food that rarely shows itself. Skip brownies, cookies, and candy bars.
  • Prioritize vegetables and lean meat: It’s important to fill yourself up with proper nutrition before you eat buffers or empty calories.
  • Skip the soda, go for water, or a bit of red wine instead: Soda has sugar and extra sugar in your diet isn’t worth the extra hour at the gym. Red wine is healthy, but just don’t go overboard. When in doubt, water is your friend.
  • Remove yourself from the table as soon as you’re done: Avoiding the sight of food is the best way to prevent overeating.
  • Talk to people: The longer it takes for you to eat, the less likely you will eat too much, and what better way to kill time than to actually socialize? Talk to the friend you haven’t seen in months or catch up on what the squad’s been up to while you were busy with work.


The Holiday season is a season of happiness and thanksgiving, so do yourself a favor and make sure your body will be happy and thank you once the season ends!

Stay fit during the holidays, and Happy Holidays, everyone!

Jamie King: Glider Workout

glider workout

A Glider Workout for a Healthier You

Need a seriously badass workout? Grab a glider or a hand towel and give this workout a try. Trust me, using the glider/towel will make you concentrate on your core stability and really helps to effectively utilize and work your muscles!

This expert total body workout will help you get awesome results at home or wherever you want to workout!

Best Exercises for a Strong Spine

spine, back, strong, exercise

What’s the Best Way to Get a Strong Spine?

If you are a person who suffers from chronic lower back pain or has recently suffered trauma to your spinal cord or back because of an accident, you will need to do some stretching and therapy to get back to the way you were, pre-trauma. Even sitting at a desk all day or being more sedentary can have a negative effect on your spine and back. Knowing the right way to care for, exercise, and stretch this area will help you to feel better and have more mobility.

Emura Pan Review: The Non-Toxic, Versatile Pan for Healthier Cooking

Emura Pan Review: The Non-Toxic, Versatile Pan for Healthier Cooking

DIY Active As seen In About Us

Cooking at home is one of the best ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but have you ever stopped to think about your cookware? The Emura Pan is revolutionizing kitchens by offering a non-toxic, versatile pan that promotes healthier cooking while ensuring every dish is evenly cooked. We recently tested out the Emura Pan to see if it is a must-have for your kitchen.

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  • It Works 100% Success It Doesn't
  • Healthier Cooking with Non-Toxic Materials

    One of the biggest concerns with traditional cookware is the potential for toxic chemicals to leach into your food. Many non-stick pans are coated with harmful substances like PTFE, PFOA, or lead, which can release toxins when heated. The Emura Pan eliminates this worry with its non-toxic, ceramic-coated design.

    This pan is free from harmful chemicals, giving you peace of mind that your meals are safe for your family. Whether frying eggs, searing fish, or simmering a sauce, you can cook confidently, knowing the Emura Pan keeps your food free from toxins.

    Emura Pan Review The Non-Toxic, Versatile Pan for Healthier Cooking

    Even Cooking Every Time

    No more dealing with unevenly cooked meals! The Emura Pan is engineered for consistent heat distribution, ensuring your food cooks evenly every time. Whether flipping pancakes or browning chicken, you’ll get perfect results without worrying about cold spots or overcooked edges.

    In my experience, the Emura Pan lives up to its promise of delivering perfectly cooked meals. It’s a game-changer for anyone who values precision in the kitchen. Plus, the durable design ensures it retains its heat-distribution properties over time.

    A Pan That Supports Your Health Goals

    Did you know your old pan could be contributing to weight gain? Many traditional pans require excessive oil or butter to prevent sticking, adding unnecessary calories to your meals. The Emura Pan’s advanced non-stick surface eliminates the need for extra fats, making it easier to cook healthier meals without compromising flavor.

    Additionally, cooking with a non-toxic pan like Emura helps eliminate harmful chemicals from your diet, supporting your overall wellness goals. You’re taking a simple yet impactful step toward better health by swapping out your old, potentially toxic pan for the Emura Pan.

    Why You Might Need to Replace Your Old Pan

    Your trusty old pan could be doing more harm than good. Many traditional pans degrade over time, releasing toxic chemicals into your food without you even realizing it. Here are some alarming things to consider:

    • Your old pan may be toxic: Over time, non-stick coatings can break down and release harmful substances into the air and your food.
    • Your pan shouldn’t be toxic: With Emura, you can rest assured that your cookware is safe and offers a clean, chemical-free cooking experience.
    • Your old pan makes you fat: Excess oil and butter are often required in traditional pans to prevent sticking and adding unnecessary calories to your meals.

    The Emura Pan eliminates these risks, offering a safe, non-toxic alternative that helps you stay on track with your health goals.

    Emura Pan Review The Non-Toxic, Versatile Pan for Healthier Cooking

    What Makes the Emura Pan Different?

    Non-Toxic Ceramic Coating

    The Emura Pan features a non-toxic ceramic coating free from harmful chemicals like PTFE, PFOA, and lead. This ensures a safer cooking experience for you and your loved ones. The ceramic surface is also highly durable, resisting scratches and wear even with regular use.

    Advanced Heat Distribution

    The pan’s unique design ensures even heat distribution, making it perfect for various cooking techniques. Whether you’re sautéing vegetables or searing steak, the Emura Pan always provides consistent results.

    Easy to Clean

    Say goodbye to scrubbing and soaking! The Emura Pan’s non-stick surface makes cleaning a breeze. Simply wipe it down with a soft sponge and warm water, and it’s ready for your next culinary masterpiece.


    This pan isn’t just for frying. Its versatile design allows you to easily bake, sauté, and even grill, making it a multifunctional addition to your kitchen.

    Customer Testimonials

    Here’s what real users are saying about the Emura Pan:

    • Sarah J.: “I never realized how much my old pan was affecting my health until I switched to Emura. The non-toxic coating gives me so much peace of mind, and everything cooks so evenly. I’m obsessed!”
    • James L.: “The Emura Pan has been a game-changer in my kitchen. I can cook without worrying about harmful chemicals, and cleanup is so easy. Plus, I use way less oil now, which helps me stick to my diet!”
    • Emily R.: “I love how versatile this pan is. From frying eggs to baking desserts, the Emura Pan handles it all. It’s definitely worth the investment if you care about your health and your food.”

    Emura Pan Review The Non-Toxic, Versatile Pan for Healthier Cooking

    Benefits of the Emura Pan

    1. Promotes Healthier Cooking

    With its non-stick ceramic surface, the Emura Pan reduces the need for oils and fats, helping you create lighter, healthier meals. Plus, the non-toxic materials ensure your food stays free from harmful chemicals.

    2. Ensures Perfect Results

    The even heat distribution guarantees that your meals are always cooked to perfection, whether searing, frying, or baking.

    3. Durable and Long-Lasting

    The Emura Pan is built to withstand daily use without losing its non-stick properties or heat distribution capabilities, making it a long-term investment for your kitchen.

    4. Easy to Clean

    Its non-stick surface makes cleanup quick and hassle-free, saving time and effort.

    5. Versatile Design

    From stovetop to oven, the Emura Pan is designed to handle various cooking methods, making it a true workhorse in the kitchen.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1. What is the Emura Pan made of? The Emura Pan is crafted with a durable aluminum body and features a non-toxic ceramic coating free from PTFE, PFOA, and lead.

    2. Is the Emura Pan safe for all stovetops? Yes, the Emura Pan is compatible with all stovetops, including gas, electric, and induction.

    3. Can I use metal utensils with the Emura Pan? Silicone, wooden, or plastic utensils are recommended to preserve the non-stick ceramic surface.

    4. Is the Emura Pan oven-safe? Yes, the Emura Pan is oven-safe, perfect for dishes requiring stovetop-to-oven cooking.

    5. How do I clean the Emura Pan? The pan is incredibly easy to clean. Simply wipe it down with a soft sponge and warm, soapy water. Avoid using abrasive materials to maintain the non-stick surface.

    6. Does the ceramic coating wear off over time? The Emura Pan’s ceramic coating is highly durable and designed to resist wear and scratches, even with regular use.


    The Emura Pan is more than just cookware—it’s a commitment to healthier living and better cooking. Its non-toxic design, even heat distribution, and versatile functionality have quickly become a staple in my kitchen. Whether you’re looking to replace an old, potentially harmful pan or upgrade your cooking experience, the Emura Pan could be an excellent choice.

    Investing in the Emura Pan means investing in your health, food, and peace of mind. With glowing customer reviews and a long list of features, this pan stands out as one to consider for anyone who loves cooking.

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    Carving Knives Vs Chef’s Knives: Which Should You Select?

    Carving Knives Vs Chef's Knives

    DIY Active As seen In About Us

    Finding the ideal kitchen knife can enormously affect your culinary experience. Two popular selections are carving knives and chef’s knives. This comparison article highlights key differences, from blade design to specific use, to help you determine which suits your culinary environment.

    Purpose and Functionality

    Carving knives are typically employed to cut through cooked meats such as turkey, roast beef, or ham with precision and ease without tearing or shredding them—ideal for special events like holiday dinners.

    On the other hand, chef’s knives offer versatile use; their broad blade and heavier weight make them suitable for multiple tasks, from mincing garlic to chopping vegetables, slicing fruit, or cutting tougher foods such as raw meat or squash – meaning this versatile blade should always come in handy during everyday kitchen chores!

    Blade Length

    Carving knives typically range between 8 to 14 inches, and longer blades provide greater surface area for clean slices—perfect when carving large roasts and poultry without sawing back and forth!

    Chef’s knives tend to fall between 6 to 12 inches long. Their shorter blades provide greater control and maneuverability for cutting techniques, from dicing onions to slicing tomatoes easily! Whereas long carving knives excel at specific slicing tasks, their shorter, more balanced counterparts thrive more in versatility!

    Flexibility of Blades

    One factor distinguishing carving knives from chef’s knives is blade flexibility. Carving knife blades tend to be thinner and more flexible, bending slightly as you slice through meat. This enables precise cuts when working with tender meats or around bones.

    Chef’s knives differ with thicker spines that provide additional support when cutting through harder foods. This provides additional control when chopping vegetables or slicing thick cuts of meat, making these knives better suited to performing a range of kitchen tasks than their carving counterparts!

    Carving Knives Vs Chef's Knives

    Handle Design and Comfort

    Ergonomic handles on carving knives help ensure a secure yet comfortable grip when performing repetitive slicing motions used when cutting large cuts of meat, thus minimizing strain during extended use.

    Chef’s knives feature more versatile designs with ergonomically engineered handles for precision when chopping, slicing, or dicing. Their handles often allow precise control regarding precision-based work, such as dicing vegetables or carving up roasts for your family dinner! These attributes of their design play a vital part in their ease of use!

    Cutting Technique

    Each knife’s cutting technique depends heavily on its purpose. A carving knife aims to produce thin slices without crushing them; using a smooth back-and-forth motion while applying minimal pressure helps achieve this objective.

    Chef’s knives offer more versatility in their techniques: rocking vegetables while using push cut, mincing herbs, or mincing spices can all be accomplished quickly using this versatile blade, therefore making it a staple tool of daily meal prep!

    Meat Versus Vegetables

    Carving knives quickly become indispensable kitchen tools when carving meats such as roasts or poultry. Their narrow blades allow for precise yet delicate slicing that chef’s knives cannot always replicate.

    But if your cooking involves multiple ingredients, such as meats and vegetables, a chef’s knife becomes indispensable; its wider blade and sturdy construction enable it to perform multiple functions.

    Unlike its more specific carving counterpart, which only specializes in meat-cutting tasks, chefs’ knives are more versatile than carving knives dedicated solely to meat carving. Chefs’ knives specialize solely in cutting meat while simultaneously chopping vegetables, making the latter the more flexible choice between both tools regarding versatility!

    Carving Knives Vs Chef's Knives

    Precision Vs Versatility

    Your cooking habits play a large part in determining precision versus versatility. Carving knives are precision instruments designed to produce perfect slices with little effort; their precise nature will come in handy if you regularly prepare large cuts of meat or host family gatherings where presentation matters.

    On the other hand, chef’s knives offer greater versatility—ideal for all kitchen tasks from chopping to dicing or slicing meat—although they may lack as much precision when cutting cooked meats.

    Understanding When to Use Knives

    Being familiar with each knife type and when to utilize each is critical in increasing cooking efficiency. Carving knives should only be used on special occasions like Thanksgiving dinner when carving turkey and holiday roasts—their long, thin blades make carving effortless yet elegant!

    In contrast, chef’s knives make sense for daily kitchen use, such as salad prep or cutting up onions, steak slicing, dicing, etc. If space limits you to one knife, one would do as well; carving knives would elevate your skill when carving special occasions!

    Maintenance and Sharpening

    Both knives need regular upkeep to function optimally, though their upkeep varies slightly between models. Carving knives with narrow, long blades usually need regular sharpening sessions to stay razor-sharp for precise, delicate cuts; over time, their edges become dulled due to overuse.

    Chef’s knives usually hold their edges longer if made of high-quality steel, but these multipurpose kitchen tools may need occasional honing or sharpening to stay at peak condition for years ahead. Proper care ensures reliable kitchen tools over their useful lifetime!


    Deciding between a carving knife and a chef’s knife depends on your cooking habits and needs. Carving knives tend to excel at precise slicing for special events, while chef’s knives provide versatility when daily cooking tasks arise.

    4 Easy Fat-Burner Workouts at Home

    fat burner workout at home

    Simple, Doable Fat-Burning Exercises

    Want a fast-paced, quick home workout you can do anywhere, anytime? These 4 simple fat-burning exercises combine to give you a great workout that torches calories! Keep it fast-paced and get going!

    Akusoli Review: Relieve Foot Pain and Boost Overall Wellness

    Akusoli Review Relieve Foot Pain and Boost Overall Wellness

    DIY Active As seen In About Us

    Foot pain can be an all-too-familiar problem, especially for those who stand or walk for extended periods. For anyone who suffers from chronic foot pain, heel pain, or discomfort due to prolonged standing, Akusoli insoles offer a refreshing solution rooted in ancient Japanese wisdom and designed with modern therapeutic support. With over 30,000 reviews and a 4.5/5 rating, we wanted to learn more and write an Akusoli review.

    We reviewed their insoles for two weeks. Below, we explain why Akusoli could be a great choice for anyone looking to relieve foot pain and improve overall wellness.

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  • Akusoli Review: Pain Relief and Enhanced Posture

    One of Akusoli’s most notable benefits is its pain relief. These insoles provide targeted support for foot and heel pain, helping to alleviate knee, back, and even neck pain that often stems from poor foot alignment.

    The strategic design supports the arches, encouraging better posture and reducing joint pain, which is especially beneficial for those who spend hours on their feet. After several weeks of use, I noticed my feet felt great, even after long workouts.

    Akusoli Review Relieve Foot Pain and Boost Overall Wellness Root Cause of Pain

    Ancient Japanese Wisdom Meets Modern Comfort

    Akusoli’s unique design draws inspiration from Japanese reflexology practices. It integrates acupressure and reflexology pressure points that help stimulate microcirculation. This acupressure-based approach is rooted in traditional Japanese therapeutic practices, making Akusoli more than just a support system—it’s an experience.

    As soon as you put them on, you’ll feel gentle pressure at specific points on your feet, a sensation believed to promote better blood flow and holistic wellness. It really feels like my feet are being messaged even when I am just sitting here at my desk.

    How Akusoli Works: The Science Behind the Insoles

    Akusoli’s effectiveness lies in its use of acupressure principles and reflexology points. Each insole has strategically placed nodes that press gently on specific parts of your foot as you move.

    This stimulates certain reflex zones, which traditional medicine believes correspond with various organs and parts of the body. Akusoli aims to improve blood circulation, reduce tension, and relieve pain in other areas, such as the lower back and knees, by stimulating these zones.

    In addition, prolonged standing can cause blood to pool in the legs and feet, leading to chronic pain, fatigue, and varicose veins. Akusoli’s design prevents this pooling by encouraging movement and keeping the blood flowing, reducing inflammation and fatigue that result from prolonged standing.

    Combined with the arch support and posture correction features, the Akusoli insoles are highly effective for people on their feet all day.

    Akusoli Review Relieve Foot Pain and Boost Overall Wellness Pressure Points

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  • Customer Testimonials

    Here’s what some real customers are saying about their experience with Akusoli:

    • Michelle S.: “I’ve struggled with heel pain for years and tried countless insoles, but Akusoli has truly changed my life. I can feel the acupressure working on my feet, and since using them, my pain has significantly decreased. It’s such a relief to walk without pain, and my knees feel so much better too!”
    • John T.: “Standing all day as a teacher used to leave me with unbearable foot pain. Akusoli insoles have made such a difference. Not only do I feel less fatigued, but the acupressure really helps keep the blood flowing. I have more energy at the end of the day and way less discomfort. Highly recommend!”
    • Lisa M.: “As someone who’s always had bad posture, Akusoli has been a game-changer. I’m more mindful of my stance, and the pain in my lower back and neck has reduced. I also love the cooling effect—no more sweaty, tired feet. These insoles really live up to the hype!”

    Akusoli Review Relieve Foot Pain and Boost Overall Wellness Helping Tired Feed

    Additional Features: Cooling Effect and Odor Control

    In addition to pain relief and posture support, Akusoli insoles are designed for active performance. They help keep feet cool and are game-changers if you’re prone to sweaty or overheated feet. The insoles also combat odor, which adds an extra layer of comfort and confidence throughout the day.

    Akusoli Review: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1. Are the insoles suitable for all shoe types?

    Akusoli insoles are designed to fit most shoes, including sneakers, work boots, and casual footwear. They can be trimmed to size to ensure a comfortable fit for any shoe type. This may be the only con I saw, but there is no way around it.

    Trimming the insole to fit your shoes perfectly can take time. Only cut a little at a time, never taking out too much at once until you get a good fit. Be sure to remove the original shoe insoles before inserting the Akusoli insoles.

    Akusoli Review Relieve Foot Pain and Boost Overall Wellness Trimming Insoles

    1. How long will it take to notice the benefits?

    Most users report feeling a difference in pain relief and comfort within a few days to a week of regular use. However, long-term benefits, such as improved posture and reduced chronic pain, may become more noticeable over several weeks of consistent use.

    1. How do I clean my Akusoli insoles?

    Akusoli insoles are easy to maintain. Wipe them down with a damp cloth or use mild soap and water to clean them more thoroughly. Avoid soaking them or using harsh chemicals, as this can affect the materials and acupressure nodes.

    1. Is there a money-back guarantee?

    Yes, Akusoli offers a 30-day money-back guarantee. If unsatisfied with the insoles, you can return them within 30 days for a full refund, ensuring a risk-free trial.

    1. How long do the insoles last?

    Akusoli insoles are designed to last several months with regular use. Although longevity may vary depending on usage and activity level, the durable construction is built to withstand daily wear and tear.

    1. Are there any side effects from the acupressure points?

    The acupressure points on the Akusoli insoles are designed to be gentle and therapeutic. Some users may feel slight soreness initially as the foot adjusts to the stimulation, but this usually subsides after a few days.

    1. How much do the Akusoli insoles cost?

    Starting at just $29.99, they are an economical way to get started. Bulk discounts are available, including purchasing four pairs for $83.96 or just $20.99 per pair.


    Overall, I’ve been impressed with Akusoli. The combination of pain relief and reflexology-inspired support has made a noticeable difference in my comfort and wellness. It’s almost like my feet are continually getting massaged.

    If you’re looking for an effective, economical way to alleviate foot pain and enjoy additional benefits like cooling and odor control, Akusoli is definitely worth a try.

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    Akusoli Insoles - Save 70%

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    Walking to Running: An 8-Week 5K Training Plan

    8 week 5k training plan

    Train to Run Your First 5K in 8 Weeks

    Running your first 5K can be incredibly daunting… but we brought in an expert to help you run your first 5K in 8 simple weeks! It’s time to get started towards running that first 5K and improving your health!

    From walker to runner starting today

    Want to go from walker to runner and run your first 5K?

    If you’re just getting started with running, you are making the first step to a healthier, happier you. Running has many benefits, including helping you lose weight, improve cardiovascular health, reduce stress, and increase your energy levels.

    From Walker to Runner Run Your First 5K in 8 WeeksPresuming you just signed up for your first 5K and have found a training plan that fits your situation, below are five helpful tips to prepare you for the 5K.

    Proper Stretching

    Before you begin any run, follow a routine of stretching that warms up your muscles and joints through a full range of motion, improves circulation, and helps prevent injuries.

    Some of the most common stretches before you begin running are the following:

    • Quad Stretch
    • Hamstring Stretch
    • Calf Stretch
    • Groin Stretch

    The folks from Healthline have a really great tutorial on these four stretches and a few others. The importance of a stretching routine can really help you perform your best and stay injury-free.

    Practice Good Running Form

    I can remember when I was a kid, my mother would always say, “Sit up straight!” as I slouched at the table. I never understood why until I started having back pain in my thirties. As I started running, the pain would come back—until I realized that my running form was really bad.

    So, what is a good running form?

    In addition to stretching, it is one of the great ways to avoid joint pain, prevent overstriding, and improve running form. Here is a very simple-to-follow graphic (see attached) that gives you guidance on what good running form should look like.


    The good running form also helps with your speed work as it helps you become a more consistent runner.

    As race day approaches, stick to your routine.

    This has been one of the best pieces of advice I have ever received. It keeps you comfortable and confident on race day. As you go through your training plan (like the 8-week plan pictured), you begin to develop a certain rhythm to how you do things.

    For example, before I run, I like to eat a piece of peanut butter toast and always listen to Eye of the Tiger (don’t judge; it’s a great song!).

    From Walker to Runner: Run Your First 5K in 8 WeeksThat type of ritual or routine gives you one less thing to think about when you get started on race day.

    Carrots’NCake has a really good routine that she shares on her blog.

    Get Some Sleep

    It is perfectly normal to have some pre-race jitters the night before the race. The best way to manage the nervous/excited feeling is to ensure you get quality sleep at least two days before your race.

    By resting the entire day before the race and doing your best to get a quality night’s sleep, you have relaxed your body.

    Pace Yourself

    Most racers dart out of the starting line for the first mile, leaving two miles left on an empty tank.

    Starting out too fast forces your body to work harder than it should, slowing your 5K time.

    Try your best to achieve a negative split on race day—that means completing the second half of the race faster than you ran the first. Start with a slower pace and then build up throughout the run.

    Once the finish line is in sight, step up your pace to finish the race strong.

    The Perfect First 5K

    So, are you ready to run your first 5K?

    One great way to get started is with a virtual 5K… Yes, a virtual one!

    The author has put together one of the first global 5Ks ideal for beginners. The race states, “This race can be run at any location of your choosing. You can walk, run, use a treadmill, participate in another race and run the race at your pace wherever you choose. You complete your race on your own. Then we ship your medal directly to you two days after the race.”

    Basically, it’s the ideal way to start and stay on your path toward a new you this year!

    No pressure. No crowds. No intimidation. Just run!

    Just you running where and how you want and garnering your first 5K medal… No more excuses. It’s the perfect first 5K for beginners!

    Be on the lookout for virtual 5Ks as they come around, they are a great way to run your first 5K!


    So there you have it—a simple way to enjoy your first 5K in 8 weeks! Start slowly, pace yourself, and you will be on your way!

    Good luck, and let us know your times in the upcoming Spring Forward 5K!