Tips to Help Busy Moms
Whether you have kids or not, finding time to work out on a busy day can be a struggle for everyone! But as a busy mom, you know how difficult it is to get 5 minutes to yourself to have a pee, let alone 45 minutes to try that yoga tutorial your friends have been raving about!
Help Busy Moms Find Time To Exercise
Whether your kids are old enough for extra-curricular activities or you need to squeeze some fitness in between naps… Finding time for fitness can help you feel more energized and happy.
Remember, exercise is essential for self-care and keeps our minds and bodies healthy. Although it’s easy to forget to look after yourself when you have little ones clamoring for your attention, taking a little time to prioritize yourself will make you feel so much more capable of facing the day ahead.
Trust us, you’re doing a great job, and you deserve to feel it! Here are our tips to help busy moms find time to exercise.
1. Do it early
Whether your teenagers refuse to participate in early nights or your babies wake up for feeding, we all know how sleep-deprived a busy mom’s life can be, and getting up any earlier than absolutely necessary can be a harrowing experience!
But getting up and fitting in some exercise before the kids get out of bed can provide you with some much-needed alone time.
Yoga is one of the best workouts for early risers as the combination of exercise with meditation and mindfulness is a wonderful way to greet the day, whether it’s a 15-minute Sunrise Yoga practice or an hour-long workout… You might even be able to employ some of those breathing exercises when breakfast ends up on the wall!
2. Make an ‘appointment’
Studies show that we’re more likely to commit when we add things to our diaries or calendars.
Make a commitment to your workout by actively writing it down as part of your weekly schedule. That way, you’ll feel more obligated to complete the practice, even if you’re not in the mood.
Scheduling in your workouts like this also makes it a little easier to rope in help when needed and lets your partner know in advance when they’ll be expected to make dinner or do the school runs while you work out.
3. Plan your activities
In addition to blocking our specific time to work out, it’s a good idea to take this a step further and plan what you’re going to do with your time.
In the gym, think about what pieces of equipment you’re going to use and for how long. If you’re following an online exercise class from home, pick the one you’re going to participate in ahead of time.
Similarly, be sure you have all the equipment you need ready before your designated workout time. Resistance bands (like these ones: hip circle band set) can easily be thrown in diaper bags for spontaneous workouts, or you could create a home gym setup ready for when you find 5 minutes to workout.
4. Forget fashion
We’re all about time-saving here! Busy moms already have plenty to worry about without thinking about what the latest gym fashions are! Just grab something comfy that you can move around in for your workout.
You could even sleep in your workout clothes to make your early morning exercise even more convenient!
5. Include the kids
As much as taking time to exercise is an excellent opportunity for some alone time in a busy mom’s life, working out doesn’t need to be in a locked room away from the kids!
You know that the second the bathroom door closes is when your kids “need” you the most, so make exercise part of family time and get everyone involved!
Not only will this give you a better chance of actually completing your workout, but it will also encourage the kids to grow up with a good fitness ethic and can be a wonderful bonding experience.
6. Jungle Gym Bootcamp
One brilliant way to work out around your kids is to do it with them; transform their playtime into a DIY Jungle Gym Bootcamp and kill two birds with one stone!
Park benches make an excellent spot for triceps dips, monkey bars can become pull-up bars, and even a game of tag can help get your heart rate up and burn some calories in a way that’s super fun and lets your kids feel involved.
7. Become a “Workout ninja”
Even if you can’t find 30 minutes to complete a proper workout, there are plenty of ways to sneak exercise into your daily routine without anyone noticing!
Try doing squats while you brew your morning coffee, complete lunges around the grocery store, do some weights while the dinner cooks, jump on the treadmill while the kids watch cartoons… you’ll be surprised how quickly a few 5-minute exercises can build up!
8. Don’t be too hard on yourself!
We all know that being a mom is tough. Rewarding and incredible and wouldn’t-change-it-for-the-world… But tough, too.
Finding even 5 minutes to exercise can seem impossible when you’re juggling kids, chores, and work, but it is vital for your physical and mental wellbeing.
Even if you can’t commit to more than a few sit-ups in the morning, you’re still on the right track!
You got this!