Healthy Seeds: 3 Less Common Yet Power-Packed Seeds

healthy seeds

Add Power-Packed Seeds to Your Diet

If you know anything about nutrition you know that nuts and seeds are loaded with goodies. From fiber to protein to nutrients…etc. check out these power-packed seeds and how they can improve your health!

Lesser-known power-packed seeds

Seeds have enormous power to grow a complete tree…

What can you expect from these nutritional powerhouses except the amazing health benefits?

They are the source of healthy fats, antioxidants, proteins, dietary fiber, vitamin E, and mono-saturated fats. These pint-sized miracles are highly efficient in keeping our hearts and body healthy. Some are famous and common while others are not-so-known.

In this post, we will be talking about 3 less known yet power-packed seeds, their nutritional values, geographic origin, health benefits, and consumption methods as you’ve read a lot about common seeds already.

Less Known, Less Used Very Healthy Seeds

3 Less Known Yet Power-Packed SeedsGarden Cress Seeds

Garden Cress seed is an edible herb, generally grown in the Netherlands, France, England, and Scandinavia. It is also known as Lepidium Sativum. They are full of Iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, iron, calcium, folate, protein, and dietary minerals.

Have you ever came across this small herb and eaten it?

Even if you had, its seed must be an unrevealed secret for you so read on.

How to Consume?

Stem, leaves, and seeds – all are consumable if we are talking about Garden Cress Seeds. Here are some methods to help you with eating these healthy seeds:

  • Soak them in water overnight and consume like Chia seeds
  • As Halim seeds ( a. k. a. Garden Cress seeds) are also sticky after soaking in water, you can add them to your smoothies after blending, add to milkshakes, plain milk, etc
  • You can also roast or cook them before eating. Adding salt to roasted seeds is also a good idea
  • Dry roast, powder, and blend in honey

Benefits of Garden Cress Seeds

The Garden cress seeds are extremely healthy. Here are some unbelievable benefits of these seeds.

  • Improve lung functionality, thus minimizing Asthma-related issues
  • Cures Bleeding piles and irregular menstrual cycle
  • In the treatment of cold, indigestion, constipation, sore throat, and headache, these seeds can be served to the person, by blending in honey
  • Breast Milk production i.e. lactation can be improved as these seeds are high in protein and iron
  • It boosts immunity and libido

Dried Pomegranate Seeds

Numerous health benefits, caused by pomegranate seeds with added deliciousness are not surprising but dried pomegranate seeds are equally healthy yet not popular. Yes, those little red rubies are very precious for health even in dried form.

Pomegranate was anciently grown in Modern Iran and Northern India. However, now it’s cultivated in both hemispheres of the earth in different months of the year.

These seeds are loaded with vitamins (A, C & K), copper, and potassium.

How to Eat Dried Pomegranate Seeds?

The dried pomegranate seeds are tangy and sweet in taste. They add a nice flavor to your food.
Reference: Live Strong

  • Ground the dried Seeds, add them to a sauce
  • Roast them, make powder and add in herbal teas or sprinkle it over roasted meat or soups
  • In salad and puddings

3 Less Known Yet Power-Packed SeedsBenefits of Pomegranate Seeds

Pomegranate seeds (fresh and Dried) have the following effective usages:

  • It heals the body and mind from oxidative stress
  • Effective in high cholesterol and blood pressure regulation
  • Treats inflammation and hyperglycemia
  • Fertility improvement aid – it increases the testosterone level by up to 24%
  • Fights some forms of cancer
  • Memory and heart health can be improved through its consumption
  • Joint pain and arthritis can be controlled

Hemp Seeds

It is considered a superfood, containing omega-3 & omega-6 fatty acids along with 10 essential amino acids. They have 40% fiber content which is the highest among all the grains. Besides these nutritional values, they contain an excellent proportion of gamma-linoleic, sulfur, iron, calcium, zinc, and phytosterols.

How to Eat?

Typically grown in the northern hemisphere, these seeds can be consumed in the following ways:

  • Mix in the salad, sandwiches, or smoothies
  • Try Hemp seed milk
  • Add it to yogurt or pasta sauce for crunchiness
  • In Chia seed pudding or oatmeal
  • You can also use hemp seed oil instead of your edible oil for cooking

Benefits of Hemp Seeds

As these seeds are exceptionally high in healthy fats (30%), nutrients, proteins, and minerals, there are many benefits of eating these seeds.
Reference: Authority Nutrition

  • Reduces the chances of heart attack and related diseases
  • Skin disorders can be cured by their consumption and application
  • Helpful in reducing the PMS and menopause
  • These seeds improve the digestion system


Trying these lesser known seeds can improve your health, saving from many diseases and problems.

These are available commonly but not known for the fabulous qualities they have. Now, as you know it, add them to your diet immediately.

Sapana is a mother of 2 naughty boys. Besides running a small IT company she spends her time in writing for her blog: about Motherhood, Parenting and Healthy Lifestyle.
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Healthy Seeds: 3 Less Common Yet Power-Packed Seeds