5 Natural Remedies for Kidney Stones at Home

natural remedies for kidney stones

5 Natural Kidney Stone Remedies

Kidney stones can be an excruciating and frustrating medical condition that affects more than half a million people every year, according to the National Kidney Foundation. Many people who suffer from kidney stones end up visiting the emergency room due to the pain associated with the condition.

Try these natural remedies

While there are many medical treatments that are effective at dissolving kidney stones and reducing the pain, there are also several home natural kidney stone remedies that you can use in unison (always visit your doctor first) to help effectively dissolve kidney stones.

Lemons and Other Citrus Fruits

Medical professionals often treat those who suffer from chronic kidney stones with potassium citrate.

You can get the same stone-preventing benefits by drinking and eating fruits that are high in natural citrate, like limeade, lemonade, and other citrus fruits. The natural citrate helps to increase the excretion of calcium oxalate by the body.

It also helps to prevent the calcium from binding with other ingredients that lead to the development of kidney stones. This is just one of the remedies reviewed by the United Kidney Stone Research Council.

5 Natural Kidney Stone RemediesWatermelon

Watermelon is packed full of potassium, a mineral that is known to combat kidney stones, mainly stones that are comprised of magnesium and calcium phosphate.

Potassium works to lower the acid levels in urine. Decreased levels of acid can prevent the stones from even forming.

Watermelon is also great for increasing your hydration level because it is made almost entirely of water, which can help keep you from becoming dehydrated. Dehydration is one of the leading causes of kidney stone formation.

Kidney Beans

Kidney beans and other legumes that contain high levels of insoluble fiber are excellent for preventing kidney stones. Insoluble fiber helps to bind calcium in the stool, instead of letting it pass into your urinary system.

It becomes harder for kidney stones to form when there are lower levels of calcium in the urine. Other foods that are high in insoluble fiber include eggplants, corn, peas, greens, garlic, and onion.

Apple Cider Vinegar

The highly astringent properties of apple cider vinegar can make it harder for kidney stones to develop.

Apple cider vinegar can help to dissolve kidney stones and has an alkalinizing effect on both the urine and the blood. Drinking this on a regular basis will help to prevent the stones from forming, making this an excellent home remedy for those at risk for kidney stones.


When there isn’t enough water in your body, the urine will become more concentrated with minerals and other substances that are usually removed through the urine.

When the minerals start to calcify and bind together, kidney stones begin to form. These types of stones are harder to move through the ureter, increasing the levels of pain experienced.

According to the Urology Care Foundation, you should be drinking about three quarts, or ten, 10-ounce glasses of water a day to help flush out the kidneys and break up any stones that have formed.


If you have suffered from kidney stones, you know the pain and frustration that goes along with the condition.

To help prevent further kidney stones from forming try adding these natural home remedies to your daily routine.

5 Natural Remedies for Kidney Stones at Home