How to Get Back On Track After You’ve Fallen Off the Wagon

how to get back on track

How to Get Back on Track 101

We all stumble from time to time, especially when it comes to eating healthy and exercising. So if you want to know how to get back on track, check out these 5 tips to get started today!

How to get back on track starting today

Do you ever feel like you have been so disciplined on working out and eating healthy for a month, then suddenly you are stuffing your mouth with burgers and pizzas and watching TV rather than eating healthy and being active? Okay, maybe I exaggerated a little there, but most of us have had that happen to us.

We make many resolutions on taking charge of our lives, then life happens, and for whatever reason we give up.

It doesn’t have to end this way every time. With the right support, you will get back and take control of your life in no time.

Realize it’s okay and don’t beat yourself up for it

How to Get Back On Track After You've Fallen Off the WagonThe first step towards getting back on track is realizing that it’s okay to make mistakes. We are humans, and all of us make mistakes.  You can’t change what happened, but you certainly can change how you react to it. I understand that forgiving someone we love is much easier than forgiving ourselves.

Thus, I want you to write all the positive things about yourself. What do people think about you? What are the positive characteristics you have that people admire about you? Write them down, and you will see how better you feel about yourself.

That one workout or one meal doesn’t define who you are, and what you can accomplish. Be okay with what happened and move forward.

Know your “why”

One of the best ways not to fall off the wagon or get back into it is by defining your “why”.  This is a crucial part while deciding your goals. It doesn’t just apply to your well-being but rather to every decision you make. Sit down and think about why you are setting up this goal? If your goal is being healthy, why do you want to be healthy?

What is that one motivating factor that drives you? It could be because you don’t want to get sick. It could be because you want to get off all your medicines or it could be because you want to be a role model for your kids and your family.

Whatever it is, write down your “why” and put it somewhere you can see it every day. I recommend posting it in the bedroom so you can see it in the morning and before going to bed. This helps tremendously by giving you the motivation you need. Everything becomes easier if you ask why you are doing this versus what you are doing.

Another best place would be your cell phone’s wallpaper. Now tell me, who doesn’t have a smartphone these days? We use them for mindless tasks; why can’t we use them to our advantage?

You check your phone way more than you realize so making your “WHY” your screen saver can be life-changing.

Keep attainable goals

Maybe your goals are too unrealistic to attain at given time-frame that’s why you keep failing?

Think about this for a second. Ask yourself, is my goal reasonable for the time I have? I don’t know about you, but if I aim to lose 20lbs in a month I know I will never reach that goal. No matter what I do, I will not lose 20lbs in a month. If I were to lose 8lbs that month, I would still feel like I didn’t achieve anything. You ask why? This is because my mind is still wrapped up in that 20lbs and I don’t see the 8lbs loss as a victory.

Don’t do this to yourself.

Keep small and reasonable goals, so you can celebrate the win. How does one climb a mountain? By taking one step at a time of course. Apply the same logic to your goals. If they are too big, break them down into the smallest goals possible. Let’s say you have 30lbs to lose. Start by dividing that goal. Aim for 1.5lbs per week, then focus all your energy on eating nutrient-dense food and working out to hit that target.

Applying all your energy to eating healthy and working out to lose that 1.5lbs makes things much more attainable and rewarding. Once you do this for several months, you will have already climbed the mountain without even realizing it.

“Once you achieve your small goals it becomes a habit because you like the taste of victory.”

Ease back into it

How to Get Back On Track After You've Fallen Off the Wagon GymThe biggest mistake people make once they bounce back is by going cold turkey with their diet and exercise. This sets you up for failure. You may do it for days or weeks before you find yourself right where you started. Rather, ease back into it.

If you haven’t exercised in a week, then start with moderate-intensity activities for 30 mins the first day. From there, add intensity and more time as you go. This makes it easier for you to stay on track, and you won’t even realize how far you have come in such a short period of time.

Easing back into working out or eating healthy creates momentum, so you are more likely to follow your routine. Plus, increasing your exercise slowly protects you from getting injured.

Find an accountability partner

If you want to know how to get back on track, this is an easy yet very overlooked concept. We all know how important it is to have an accountable buddy, but why don’t we consider having one? Whatever the reason might be, having an accountability partner is a key to success.

You might set goals and even be persistent in working towards them. As time goes along, it becomes harder to stick to your goals. This is where an accountability partner comes in handy. You might let yourself down, but I know for a fact you won’t let someone else down.

Let’s say you have scheduled to go workout with a friend, and she is counting on you. But it’s one of those days where you really don’t feel like going. You will find a million excuses as to why you shouldn’t go if you were alone, but when you know someone is waiting on you it becomes harder to make excuses.

This is one of the benefits of having an accountability partner. Have an accountability partner, share your weekly goals, and check with him/her at the end of the week to see what you have accomplished and what you could have done differently.

This will help you reflect on your goals, and it will make it easier to stick with them.

Bonus tips

  • Meal prep in advance: You will less likely to consume cheat meals this way
  • Find an activity you love: Find something you love to do, so it doesn’t have to suck. You will enjoy it because it will come in nature
  • Celebrate your wins: When you reach a milestone celebrate it. No matter how small the win might be, celebrating trains our brain to keep going because we like the feeling of being recognized for our actions


With these tips on how to get back on track, you will get back to your goals and reach them easily. Sometimes we just need a tap on our shoulder and a little more motivation/direction to keep us going.

Next time if you fall off the wagon give these tips a try, and you will get back on track in no time.

Susan Adhikari is a personal trainer and a fitness enthusiastic who is in a mission to help young women become stronger and confident through wholesome food and exercise. She believes on accepting who you are while trying to better version of yourself. She can usually be found over at [] or supporting her members on Facebook community [].
Susan Adhikari
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