Need a Killer Back and Chest Workout?
Having a strong back and chest is paramount as we go through our daily lives. From being functionally strong to helping you burn more calories via these large muscle groups, this at-home back and chest workout might be perfect for you!
At-Home Back and Chest Workout:
Each of our videos is designed for fifteen minutes of vigorous exercise. Some of you will get through the routine in fifteen minutes and others may not. Not to worry, you’ll get there.
The goal is to have proper form rather than to hurry through our routines and not do them properly.
So Turn It On and Look Fab!
Grab two 5-pound weights, a mat, jump rope, and a chair.
- Supine Chest Press 5-pound weight in each hand
Lie flat on the floor with your arms in a goal post position. Next push the weights to the sky on a two count. Repeat 10 times. - Cardio: Prisoner Squats 10 reps
Hands behind your head and squat. Repeat 10 times. - Supine Chest Fly with a 5-pound weight in each hand
Lie flat on the floor with your arms in an angel position. With a slight bend in your elbows, bring the weights up together on a two count up and then a two count down. Repeat 10 times. - Cardio: Prisoner Squats 10 reps
- Push-Ups 10 reps (take from knees or toes)
We added these today. Start in a plank position, core engaged, without dipping in the middle. Begin by lowering down your body and then push up. - Cardio: Prisoner Squats 10 reps
Repeat all exercises and Cardio 3 times
- One Arm Row
Start with your left arm on the chair, legs hip-width apart, core engaged, bent at the waist, right arm fully extended downward with weight in hand. Then in two counts raise your right arm up flexing the elbow like starting a lawnmower. Then two counts down to start position. Repeat on left. 10 reps each. - Cardio: Jump Rope for 30 seconds
- Plank hold for 30 seconds
Start in a push-up position with your core engaged and arms straight down from the shoulders. Hold for 30 seconds. - Cardio: Jump Rope for 30 seconds
- Reverse Fly with weights in both hands
Start with your feet hip-width apart, core engaged, bent forward at the waist, arms together at midline, elbows slightly bent. Then retract arms away from each other with upper arms parallel to the floor with a count two up and a count two down. Repeat 10 times. - Cardio: Jump Rope for 30 seconds
Repeat all exercise and cardio 3 times
There you have it, a seriously awesome at-home back and chest workout to help you blast calories and build muscle!
Be sure to check out some of Juetta’s other workouts and remember that the D.I.Y. life is all about taking total control of your health! Get started!
- Best At-Home Chest and Back Workouts by Juetta West - December 10, 2015
- Juetta West: Upper Body Workout - October 19, 2015
- Juetta West: Leg Workouts - September 28, 2015