Three Quick Facts About Green Tea

green tea facts

Green Tea… The Ultimate Drink?

Although it has been around for centuries, one of the biggest fads in the health industry these days is drinking green tea. It even made our top 20 list of healthiest foods. What’s the catch? Why is this stuff so good for you? We break down 3 reasons why you should be drinking this stuff daily!

1. Cancer-fighting EGCG

Green tea is loaded with stuff called epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, which is a cancer-fighting polyphenol.

It has been shown in numerous studies to decrease the growth of cancer cells, especially esophageal cancer cells but has been shown to reduce cell growth in the pancreas, stomach, and even colon cancers (Bowden 2007)!

Three Quick Facts About Green Tea2. Heart healthy

Green tea has been shown to be cholesterol-lowering and can reduce your risk of coronary artery disease!

One study by Sano et al in 2004 indicated that by drinking more green tea you will have a reduced chance of developing coronary artery disease.

3. Dirt cheap

Maybe the best thing about this drink is the bang for your buck.

For the number of nutrients and awesome health effects you get from green tea you are basically paying nothing! Not to mention it has been shown to be helpful in weight loss and has been shown to improve your mood (Bowden 2007)!

With all of these amazing benefits in one little cup of goodness… what’s not to love?


Bowden J (2007) The 150 healthiest foods on Earth. Fair Winds Press, Beverly, MA.

Sano J, Inami S, Seimiya K, Ohba T, Sakai S, Takano T, Mizuno K (2004) Effects of green tea intake on the development of coronary artery disease. Official Journal of the Japanese Circulation Society 68: 665-670.

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Josh is the founder of DIY Active - your at home fitness source! He enjoys blending the latest science and expert advice with health practices to help you exercise smarter at home!
Josh Anderson
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Three Quick Facts About Green Tea