Benefits: Workouts To Do At Home

workouts to do at home

The Many Benefits of Working Out at Home

Thinking about getting an expensive gym membership? Before you do, make sure you check out these benefits of working out at home… You might just decide it’s for you after all!

Unsure of working out at home?

For those who have the time and funds, hitting the gym is a great way to honor your body and health. Getting fit is a goal that many have but are time-pressed to achieve.

So, why not fit in your workout at home with at home fitness?

Maybe you’re still undecided on your gym membership, whether to get one or to keep one. Save money, time and boost your health, perhaps even more, by working out at home.

There are many benefits to be found when you exercise at home:

The Joy of Flexibility and Comfort

Increase your flexibility with greater flexibility of not having to adhere to gym hours and the stress of the commute. You worry about if you’re working out “the right way,” and exercise anxiety kicks in when going to the gym.

Enjoy the freedom of not having to make the effort to look presentable while you work out for other people when you’re really working out for yourself.

This is a mental block to your fitness goals because you end up not going to the gym.

You will be more comfortable and confident, ready to focus on your routine. Your routine is not restricted to the equipment, chosen for aesthetics over effectiveness in certain cases.

Your routine is not restricted to time limits due to overlapping classes. Do yoga, try a lively home dance workout, and plank to your heart’s content in your home.

It’s Free, or Cheaper

You have the freedom to feel like you’re not wasting anyone’s time on a machine while you run through routines on electronic devices.

Benefits of Working Out at HomeLet your coach guide you on your tablet, because there are so many fun and free workouts out online, especially using bodyweight exercises with no weights required.

Honestly, studies show that gym memberships are not all they’re cracked up to be, and many people are disloyal gym-goers:

  • About half of the members go to the gym 100 times a year.
  • Of those making the gym commute, women are more likely to quit in the first year, with women at 14 percent and men at 8 percent.
  • Gym owners actually expect that roughly 18 percent of those who buy a membership will consistently show up.
  • 46 percent of people who left the gym for good, cited cost as the number one consideration.
  • Those who go, pay more than is necessary, since those who went for a $10 pay-per-visit were more likely to maintain their fitness routine, compared to those who paid around $70 per month. Overall, the average monthly gym fee is a little over $40, which pushes half a grand each year spent out-of-pocket
  • If you do join a gym, pick February over January. 14 percent of resolution-seeking fitness buffs drop out by the time February starts. Wait and see if your resolution has staying power.

Avoid Contact with Other People’s Germs

Not everyone wipes down the gym equipment. Many people go to the gym to sweat out their sickness.

You’re going to come into contact with the germs you have at home, but at least by working out there, you avoid the icky germs that hundreds of others have left in the course of a day.

After taking swabs of 27 different types of gym equipment, one study found some gross revelations:

  • When it comes to a public toilet, free weights have more than 362 times the degree of bacteria.
  • When it comes to a public bathroom sink, a treadmill will contain over 74 times more bacteria.
  • An exercise bike possesses 39 times more germs than one cafeteria tray.
  • More than 70 percent of germs harbored in gyms are harmful, and a portion is also antibiotic-resistant.


Gyms are great resources for many people who make the effort to go consistently.

However, that’s not possible for most people, where inconsistency happens and more flexibility is required.

Besides, not everyone likes working out an elbow to elbow with someone else. You want to have freedom, flexibility, and fun when you work out, not add more worry and calories to your plate.

Stop stressing about crossing your routine with a class and limiting yourself to only certain workouts on particular machines. Forget the fear of catching a cold because someone didn’t properly wipe down the treadmill.

For those who want to give working out at home a try, there are many benefits to be had, that will save you time, money, and maybe a little sanity, too.

Kacey is a lifestyle blogger for The Drifter Collective, an eclectic lifestyle blog that expresses various forms of style through the influence of culture and the world around us. Kacey graduated with a degree in Communications while working for a lifestyle magazine. She has been able to fully embrace herself with the knowledge of nature, the power of exploring other locations and cultures, all while portraying her love for the world around her through her visually pleasing, culturally embracing and inspiring posts.
Kacey Bradley
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Benefits: Workouts To Do At Home