Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe

roasted brussel sprouts recipe

Brussels Sprouts

This simple yet delicious recipe is a great way to add more vegetables to your family’s diet – Brussels sprouts! This recipe and ingredient list are big enough to serve a large family. You got to try out this recipe for family-style Brussels sprouts! Simple, yet delicious recipes like this are great because they help us eat and remain healthy. If eating healthy was incredibly hard then almost no one would do it. Instead, implement awesome recipes like this to help you stay on track and get healthy!

Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe

Brussels Sprouts Ingredients

  • 3 – 19 oz bags petite frozen sprouts
  • 6 slices of raw bacon
  • 1 medium onion
  • ½ cup of brown sugar (optional; add more garlic salt if excluding the sugar)
  • Garlic salt to taste
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Olive Oil (for drizzling)


  • Preheat oven 425 degrees
  • Chop up the onion and bacon
  • Mix all the ingredients in a 9×13 pan and drizzle with olive oil
  • Bake for 40 minutes or until soft and golden

Enjoy some amazing sprouts today!

Photo and recipe via Hannah Marie Creations and Photography

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Josh is the founder of DIY Active - your at home fitness source! He enjoys blending the latest science and expert advice with health practices to help you exercise smarter at home!
Josh Anderson
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Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe