Why You Should Eat Breakfast (Daily)

Breakfast: The “can’t miss” daily meal

Breakfast is truly the most important meal of the day, and science backs that statement.

It causes you to snack less through the day, makes it easier to lose weight and keep it off, and including eggs in your breakfast can provide vital muscle-building protein and can accelerate weight loss – perfect for the DIY approach! A balanced breakfast with protein, fiber, and carbohydrates can provide you with a great nutritional foundation for the rest of the day.

What’s a HIIT Session?

What Is HIIT

HIITs for a Blasted Metabolism

HIIT sessions (high-intensity interval training) can be a very time-efficient alternative to hours of conventional cardio that can help improve your metabolism, endurance, and help push through your cardio plateaus. Remember when it comes to the DIY approach it’s all about exercising smarter, not longer!

1. HIIT sessions can improve metabolism and insulin sensitivity by 23%
2. HIIT sessions can improve fatty-acid oxidation
3. HIIT sessions can save you hours of time on the treadmill doing conventional cardio training
4. Example HIIT session within the article

Motivate Me: Top 5 Motivating Tips

how to get motivated

Motivation: Don’t be a couch potato

No motivation to do that workout today? You aren’t the only one, we all have the urge to skip workouts or not start a program because of numerous excuses we pull out of thin air. Well let’s put those excuses to rest and step up – DIY Style!

So let’s start by closing your eyes visualizing the person you physically want to be this time next year? What obstacles are blocking you from achieving that physique? These obstacles might be fear, lack of self-confidence or willpower, no nutrition or fitness knowledge, you can’t afford a gym…etc. Good try, but throw those excuses away. I want to help you remove all the obstacles and begin your journey to a healthier you.