Spinach Omelette Recipe With Simple Steps

spinach omelette recipe

Spinach Omelette Recipe

Need a simple, easy-to-make breakfast recipe to power you through the day? Try this awesome spinach omelette and see how it works for you! Nothing like a great DIY recipe that is easy and delicious!

Spinach Omelette Ingredients

  • 2 – Cups (handfuls) of fresh spinach
  • 3 – Large Eggs
  • 2 – Tablespoon low fat or skim milk
  • Salt/Pepper to taste

5 Amazing Free Fitness Apps

free fitness apps

Get Healthier With These Fitness Apps For Free

Fitness apps are great motivational tools to help get you through your workouts, keep track of your diet, or help you track your progress!

Although they can’t really replace the motivational or accountability power of a real workout partner, they still have their place in today’s fitness industry. Here are free fitness apps that can help you achieve your fitness goals and I’ll give you a little rundown of each. All of these fitness apps are available for iOS/iPhone and some are available on Android.

Are Home Workouts Effective? Here Is The Reason

are home workouts effective

Get The Best At-Home Workout – DIY Approach

You have probably heard of friends and family members who have gotten great results by hitting the local gym and hiring one of their personal trainers. Yes, it’s a classic weight-loss story if ever there was one. Still, for those who are not exactly enthusiastic about making the commute to the gym, or about having to deal with pushy fitness instructors, or they feel too insecure or intimidated, going to the gym may sound like a one-way ticket to diet failure.

Best Resistance Band Workouts At Home

resistance band workouts

Exercises with Resistance Bands: The Perfect DIY Gym

Resistance bands (sometimes called tubes or cables, for this article, we will refer to them as bands) are a very useful, cheap fitness tool that can literally be used anywhere. Bands come in a variety of resistance weights from ~3 lbs all the way up to 100 lbs. My newest 5 lb band came from the local sporting goods store and only cost me $13.00 and this one band can help me accomplish my entire workout on the go or at home.

Say goodbye to feeling bloated and sluggish, and hello to a toned and energized self with Beyond Body Personalized Wellness Book. Read our Beyond Body Review.

20 Foods For Fitness That Will Help You Get In Shape

food fitness

Foods that will help you get in shape

When it comes to weight loss and starting to get in shape, a lot has to do with eating the correct foods in moderation. These foods can decrease your appetite, increase your metabolism with thermogenic foods, ramp up your immune system, or help with a number of other health benefits. By supplementing these foods into your diet, you can increase your overall health and weight loss!

Fear Factor by Nate Miyaki and Kalai Diamond

Control the fear factor or be controlled by it

This article on the fear factor is 100% true. Fear is the number one factor that holds us back in many aspects of our lives such as our physical well-being – don’t let it hold your DIY Lifestyle back! This article will definitely provide you with instant motivation!

If you are ready to start getting results, check out Nate’s honest, doable advice in a recent DIY interview!

What is the Paleo Diet?

what is the paleo diet

Your Manual for the Paleo Diet

If someone told you to eat lots of fresh vegetables, fruits, lean meats and poultry, wild fish, and natural, unprocessed fats in order to nourish your body with healthy foods, you probably wouldn’t be all that surprised… Right?

Best Hummus Recipe (Homemade)

best hummus recipe

Homemade Hummus Recipe

What’s not to love about hummus? It tastes amazing and is totally good for you with tons of fiber (garbanzo beans), fat-burning lignans (tahini), and omega-3s (extra virgin olive oil). I just wanted to pass along a simple recipe that I got from a coworker so you can make your own!

Homemade Hummus Ingredients

  • 1 can (15oz) garbanzo beans
  • 1/4 cup tahini
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Cumin, salt, and pepper to meet your tastes

Don’t Starve Yourself: The effects of dieting

starving yourself

Effects of Dieting: Eat to live and lose weight

So what exactly are the effects of dieting? Dieting can have harmful emotional and physiological consequences and can be ineffective in the long run by regaining the weight that was originally lost. Our physiology is not made to restrict food and diet, a new mindset is needed that uses our physiology in our favor to lose and maintain the weight we want. We need a healthy lifestyle!

Why You Should Eat Breakfast (Daily)

Breakfast: The “can’t miss” daily meal

Breakfast is truly the most important meal of the day, and science backs that statement.

It causes you to snack less through the day, makes it easier to lose weight and keep it off, and including eggs in your breakfast can provide vital muscle-building protein and can accelerate weight loss – perfect for the DIY approach! A balanced breakfast with protein, fiber, and carbohydrates can provide you with a great nutritional foundation for the rest of the day.